Beit Midrash

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11806 Lessons

    "What's Taking So Long?!" The Uniqueness of Israel's Swords of Iron War

    Why is the present war in Israel against Hamas, Hizballah, Syria, the Huttis and Iran taking so long and resulting in so many casualties? This short but important article analyzes and explains why militarily and religiously, this war is different, and accordingly longer and with more casualties, than most battles.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tevet 5785 10
    Bava Batra

    Daf Yomi Sanhedrin Daf 23

    R' Eli Stefansky | 9 Tevet 5785
    43 min
    Ein Aya

    Zionism Different than Other Patriotism

    Ayn Aya Shabbat v, 62

    Rav Kook is often considered the spiritual father of religious Zionism. In this paragraph, his innovative explanation of King David, Bat-Sheva, Uriah HaChitti and the Amonite nation compares Zionism with other nationalism and patriotism of other nations.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | 6 Tevet 5784
    51 min
    Ein Aya

    Rav Kook on Rabbis & Leftists Who "Refuse to Serve" the IDF

    (Ayn Aya Shabbat v, 60)

    Rav Kook deals with the various opinions in the Talmud & rishonim of whether Uriah, the first husband of Batsheva, was deserving of death as a Mored b'Malchut (disobeying the king's authority). Rav Kook deals with the importance of the checks & balances which necessitate both a strong Jewish government and army, as well as a strong and moral Sanhedrin. He also deals with how every Jewish government, whether a king appointed by prophets, or judges (like Joshua, Gideon, the Maccabees, etc.) accepted by the people, or democratically elected governments all have a similar status regarding the obligation to respect and follow the law, and accordingly, both the "anti-Bibi" refusing pilots, as well as the Haredim who similarly don't follow the law of the land to serve in the IDF's milchamet mitzvah of self-defense, are severely sinning, especially during time of war, and at a time that the IDF is more than willing to meet all of the religious needs, in order to fill the present void of thousands of combat soldiers. They may even have the law of Mored b'Malchut!

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | 15 Kislev 5784
    4 min
    Lech Lecha

    What Motivated Avraham's Kindness?

    Rabbi Moshe Leib Halberstadt | 7 Cheshvan 5785
    31 min
    Bava Batra

    Daf Yomi Bava Basra Daf 57

    R' Eli Stefansky | 17 Av 5784
    44 min
    Ein Aya

    א, טו- " Benefits of Shabbat Observance"

    Ayn Aya Rav Kook's Classic Commentary on the Aggadic Portions of the Talmud.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | 12 Tammuz 5784
    Pninei Halacha

    The Mitzva of Onah

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | 15 Shvat 5784

    Parashat Vayechi- Grandparents

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Tevet 16 5784
    The Shovavi"m

    What Do These "Shovavim" Days Mean to Us?

    The initial letters of the weekly Torah portions that we read publicly over the course of the next few weeks, starting with Shmot, spell out the Hebrew word "Shovavim." Thus, the coming weeks are the "Days of Shovavim," widely regarded as days of fasting and atonement. The acronym Shovavim is also a Hebrew word meaning "troublemakers." In Yirmiyahu 3,22 appears the prophet's exhortation, "Return [repent], children who are shovavim" – and thus is revealed the connection between repentance and this Shovavim period...

    Rabbi Gur Aria Argamon | Tevet 20 5783
    The 17th of Tamuz

    What's Fasting Got to Do With It?

    A day of fasting in the Jewish calendar – such as this Sunday's Fast of Tammuz – is not one of dieting, but rather a day of introspection and teshuva (contrition and remorse). We are not fasting for something far-removed from ourselves, but rather for our situation this very day.

    Rabbi Yaakov Ariel | Tammuz 16 5782
    The Reading of the Torah

    What Do We Do When No Kohen Is Present for Torah Reading?

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Iyar 2 5782
    Igrot Hare’aya

    The State of Education in Eretz Yisrael

    Igrot Hare’aya – Letters of Rav Kook #98 – part II

    Igrot Hare’aya – Letters of Rav Kook #98 – part II

    Beit Din Eretz Hemda - Gazit | Nissan 26 5782
    Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu

    Spreading Torah behind Bars

    In a world rife with fake news and media so biased that it cannot be trusted or considered remotely objective, people would be forgiven for thinking that yellow journalism is a modern-day plague. But it even affected Rabbi Eliyahu numerous times over the years…

    No Rabbi | Adar I 13 5782
    Lashon Hara

    May I Keep the Skeletons in the Closet?

    What Personal Information Must I Divulge?

    What information must we reveal about ourselves while arranging shidduchim for our children (or for ourselves)? And at what point must we disclose it?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Adar I 7 5782

    The Ultimate Proof of the Truth of Torah

    In honor of the Torah's "Ten Commandments" Portion Rav Netanel Yosifun presents the Ultimate Proof of the truth of Torah

    Rabbi Netanel Yossifun | Shvat 18 5782

    Believing & Planting: Beshalach, Emuna, & Tu B'Shvat

    The Torah portion of this week, Beshalach, can be called the Portion of Faith. It is filled with tests and trials that the Children of Israel must undergo on their way out of Egypt, and each one increases and strengthens its faith – emuna - in G-d in a different way. Let us list them and possibly see how they each teach a different lesson in faith:

    Rabbi Hillel Mertzbach | Shvat 12 5782
    Having Faith in Hashem

    Israel's Faith, Step By Step

    Israel's Exodus from Egypt served as a preparatory course for the nation's great future, foretold at the very beginning of its creation to its Patriarch Avraham: "I will make you into a great nation… and the other nations will be blessed through you" (B'reshit 12,2-3). The meaning of the phrase "great nation" in this context is that we will be "close to G-d." As written in Va'et'chanan, "Who is a great nation like Israel, to which G-d is so close." However, to reach closeness to G-d, several steps are required.

    Rabbi David Chai Hacohen | Shvat 5 5782
    Torah Study

    What Is the Significance of the Number 40 in Jewish Tradition?

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Tevet 4 5782
    Articles about Hanukkah

    The 2,200-Years War

    The Jewish war against Greek culture continued with its battle against Christianity, which is a blend of Jewish and Greek-Roman ideas, and continues today as well. The leading culture today is Western culture, built on the foundations of Christian culture. And so the points of difference that exist today between Torah and Western culture are also based on the points of struggle between Greek and Jewish philosophy.

    Rabbi Netanel Yossifun | Kislev 29 5782
    6 min
    Trial and Difficulties in Life

    A Tale of Two Mothers

    When Dalya and Shiri 'randomly' bump into each other at a concert they could never imagine how deeply connected they really are.

    Rabbi Yoel Gold | Cheshvan 26 5782
    Chayei Sara

    The Kindness of Strangers

    The doing of acts of kindness – which is in turn derived from the understanding that human beings are made in the image of God. Civility itself may be seen as part of Chessed.

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Cheshvan 19 5782
    Peninei Halakha

    10. The Aneinu Prayer

    Chapter 7: The Minor Fasts

    The Sages prescribed the addition of a special berakha during the ĥazan’s repetition of the Amida on fast days.

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | Cheshvan 12 5782
    4 min

    Saved By Shmitah

    13 Hamas terrorists never expected that their plans to attack and kill Jews would be exposed & ruined by the mitzvah of Shmitah. Watch to find out how Hashem’s promise to bless those who keep the mitzvah unfolded near the Gaza border just seven years ago.

    Rabbi Yoel Gold | Cheshvan 13 5782
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Playing Darts on Shabbat

    Can we play darts on Shabbat? The darts are classic ones that pierce the board’s surface; the board hangs loosely from a nail in the wall; in between uses, the darts often stay on the boar

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Av 23 5781
    Rosh Chodesh

    16. The Laws of Reciting Birkat Ha-levana Joyously

    Because of the lofty idea that the moon’s renewal represents, Birkat Ha-levana has been hallowed to the point that one who recites it is viewed as if he is greeting the Shekhina (Divine Presence).

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | Av 16 5781
    Rosh Chodesh

    15. The Meaning of Birkat Ha-levana

    In Birkat Ha-levana (the Berakha of the Moon), we thank God for creating the moon, from whose light we benefit at night.

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | Av 16 5781
    The Laws of Purim

    What Happens When Purim Falls on Shabbos?

    When do we distribute shalach manos and matanos la’evyonim on different days? When do we distribute shalach manos and matanos la’evyonim on different days? When do we distribute shalach manos and matanos la’evyonim on different days? How can one bensch on the Purim Seudah without saying Al hanissim?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Adar 13 5781


    Rabbi Berel Wein | Tevet 22 5781
    The Laws of Kashrut

    Chalav Akum – Non-Jewish Milk

    Rabbi Avraham Rosenthal | Kislev 14 5781
    4 min
    Charity and Lending Money

    Givers Keepers

    A powerful story reminding us what we give away is what we keep forever.

    Rabbi Yoel Gold | Sivan 30 5780
    5 min
    Observations on Torah Study

    The Mysterious Sefer Torah

    When Stuart Mintz's life is saved twice by a Sefer Torah, he begins retracing his steps wondering if it might be the same one. A moving story that reminds us how Torah protects and supports those who support and uphold it.

    Rabbi Yoel Gold
    The laws of Torah study

    The Origins of a Siyum?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Iyar 17 5780
    6 min

    Secrets of the Return to Zion in the Story of Yosef

    Beyond the 4 Amot

    In this week's Torah reading of "Vayeshev", the central figure is Yosef. The Talmud tells us that before the appearance of Mashiach Ben David, there is another one, Mashiach Ben Yosef. Why do we need both?

    Baruch Gordon | Kislev 20 5780
    4 min

    Response Ability - Leadership 3

    Mrs. Eva Neuman showed incredible inner strength on the death march in 1944 teaching us an invaluable lesson in leadership and responsibility.

    Rabbi Yoel Gold | Kislev 5 5780
    4 min

    The Missing Yarmulka - Leadership 2

    When Boruch before going to his first interview was asked to take off his yarmulka and fit in. As a result of this story, he learned a very valuable lesson about leadership.

    Rabbi Yoel Gold | Cheshvan 28
    5 min
    Path to Leadership

    Bill Gates & Shabbos - Leadership 1

    A video about the renowned speaker and author Kivi Bernhard, sharing his experiences with Microsoft and Bill Gates.

    Rabbi Yoel Gold | Cheshvan 21 5780
    5 min
    The Education of Children and Students

    The Angel from Westchester

    A moving story about how divine providence led Levi Welton to a convert who was inspired to name himself Chaim, after dancing with an angel he met in Westchester.

    Rabbi Yoel Gold | Cheshvan 1 5780
    4 min
    Klal Yisra'el

    A Dream Come True

    A story about the killed soldier Erez Deri which proves the Jewish nation is one family forever despite all the differences between us.

    Rabbi Yoel Gold | Elul 18 5779
    Neighbors and Partners

    A Lot of Lottery

    At the Shabbat Table

    At the Shabbat Table

    Rabbi Daniel Kirsch | Elul 12 5779
    The Laws of Kashrut

    Glycerin in Today’s World - Or "How I Stopped a Catastrophe"

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Av 26 5779
    The Laws of Three Weeks

    May I Attend a Wedding During the Three Weeks?

    I live in a predominantly Ashkenazic community where the “Three Weeks” are observed with no music, and certainly no celebrations or weddings. A Sefardic family in the neighborhood has scheduled a wedding during the Three Weeks.

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Tamuz 22 5779

    Is it a Red Heifer?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Adar II 12 5779
    The Melachot

    Sewing on Shabbos

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Adar I 16 5779
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Davening in Front of a Mirror

    Is the prohibition against davening in front of a mirror or reflective glass a chumra or a serious halacha?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Shvat 18 5779
    Small and Sweet Ideas


    Rabbi Avraham (Abe) Abrahami | Cheshvan 5779

    Can a Sheitel be Prohibited Because of Avodah Zarah?

    A Background Discussion about the use of Indian Hair

    A Background Discussion about the use of Indian Hair

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Elul 5 5778
    Shlach Lecha

    Why is Hafrashat Challah So Important

    Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Rimon | 5778

    The Halachos of Pidyon Haben

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Sivan 29 5778
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Daf Yomi During Shabbat of Aveilut

    [The avel asked in the shiva house; I gave the in-depth answer afterward.] I understand an avel may do standard learning, such as shnayim mikra v’echad targum (=smvt) on the Shabbat of shiva. Is learning daf yomi also permitted?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tevet 4 5778
    Covenant & Conversation

    The Faith of God

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Kislev 2 5778

    Understanding the Prohibition of Avodah Zarah

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Av 26 5777
    Parashat Hashavua

    The Power of Unity

    The midrash (Bamidbar Rabba 15:18) connects the pasuk “Assemble for me seventy men” (Bamidbar 11:16) to the pasuk in Amos (9:6): “He builds upper chambers in the heavens, and His aguda (binding together) He founded on the earth.” The midrash takes this to mean that, kav’yachol, Hashem’s throne in the heavens is only firm if Israel is bound together in unity. Another powerful midrash along this line says that even when the Northern Kingdom of Israel was guilty of idol worship, Hashem left them intact because they were connected to each other (Bereishit Rabba 38:6). What is so positive about the unity between sinners?

    Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli zt"l | Shvat 16 5777
    Covenant & Conversation

    Jewish Time

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Tevet 10 5777
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Double Wrapping Food in a Treif Oven

    I know that sometimes when warming something in a not kosher oven or a milchig food in a fleishig oven, he double wraps the food. When is this necessary and why?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Kislev 4 5777
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    How Many Eggs Should be Boiled Together?

    When making hardboiled eggs, may one cook one or two eggs or must there be at least three? Also, does it make a difference if there is an even or odd number

    Rabbi Daniel Mann
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Tefillin in Pre-Dawn Hours

    work at a hospital and, some days, I am unable to wear tefillin during the day, but only pre-dawn. May I then put on tefillin before its regular time? [Our staff knows the querier.]

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tammuz 13 5776
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Doing Tevilat Keilim Before Giving Present

    I often give glass s`alad bowls as presents. Is there any problem with doing `tevilat keilim on them before giving them to save time for the recipient or out of concern that they will not do tevila?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tamuuz 4 5776
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Timtum Halev – Part I

    Is there timtum halev [approximately, spiritual pollution of the heart] when one ingests non-kosher food in a halachically valid manner, e.g., based on bitul (nullification)?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Adar I 1 5776

    Shabbos Shirah

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Shvat 11 5776

    Understanding Selichot

    All about the custom of reciting Selichot for the Salvation of the Clal

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | Elul 20 5775

    The History of the Heter Mechira

    The heter mechira came about in the first shmitta year, 5649 (1888), after thousands of years in exile. Some opposing poskim changed their positions when they saw how urgent the situation was. Anti-Zionism caused more opposition.

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | Tamuz 1 5775
    Jewish Laws and Customs

    This is the way we wash our hands

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Tamuz 4 5775

    The Ma’ariv Prayer

    Chapter Twenty Five-Part One

    Chapter Twenty Five-Part One

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | 5775

    Days on Which Tachanun Is Not Recited

    Chapter Twenty One-Part Three

    Chapter Twenty One-Part Three

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | 5775

    Body and Hand Positions in Amidah

    Chapter Seventeen-Part Two

    Chapter Seventeen-Part Two

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | 5775

    The Times of Birkot HaShachar

    Chapter nine-part two

    Chapter nine-part two

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | 5775

    Who Can Be Counted in a Minyan?

    Chapter Two-part three

    Can every ten men be a Minyan or are there other conditions?

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed
    P'ninat Mishpat

    Historical View of Rav Mordechai Yaakov Breish (Chelkat Yaakov)

    Various Rabbis | 5775
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Beracha on Pureed Vegetable Soup

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | 5775
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Raising Charitable Funds on Shabbat

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | 5775

    At What Age Should One Marry in Our Times

    Torah studies and acquiring a profession take longer, so how does this affect the obligation to get married by a certain age? What about postponing having a family after marriage?

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | 5775


    Rabbi Berel Wein | 5775
    Tzitzit & Tefillin

    Blended and Synthetic Tzitzis

    Is a silk Talis Kosher? What is the basis of the halachic controversy whether one may have a talis koton made of rayon? I have a talis koton that says that it is made of a cotton-polyester blend. Do I recite a brocha when I put it on?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff
    Exile and Redemption

    Prayer for Redemption and Blessings for Mashiach

    Special prayer to hasten our final redemption attributed to the Ramchal. Which blessings will we say when the Messiah comes?

    Rabbi Avraham (Abe) Abrahami
    The Laws of Kashrut

    Keeping Kosher - Eating Out

    Rabbi David Sperling

    Cleansing and Purifying

    Hirsch At Your Table

    A brief Dvar Torah on the Parsha, based on R. Samson Raphael Hirsch’s Torah Commentary

    Rabbi Matityahu Clark
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    A Fading Ketuba

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | 5774
    Additional Stories

    HaRav Abba Berman zt”l, an appreciation

    Rav Abba Berman once explained that superficial learning is like watching the hands of a clock move around its dial. In-depth learning, which he felt is the goal of all learning, is like “opening the back of the watch to see what makes it tick.”

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff

    Kosher Animals

    Hirsch At Your Table

    A brief Dvar Torah on the Parsha, based on R. Samson Raphael Hirsch’s Torah Commentary

    Rabbi Matityahu Clark
    P'ninat Mishpat

    Responsibility for a Missing Diamond

    Various Rabbis | 5774
    Serving Hashem, Mitzvot and Repentance

    Essentials of Tochachah - admonition

    Is there a mitzvah to admonish someone when I know that he will ignore me or if there is a chance he will become my enemy?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff

    Milk Spoon in a Meat Sink or Dishwasher

    Kashrut in a Nutshell

    The Halacha of meaty, dairy and parve cutlery washed together in the sink or dish washer, with hot or cold water.

    Rabbi David Sperling
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Birkat Hamazon

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | 5774
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Washing One’s Face on Yom Kippur

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | 5774

    May I Daven in English?

    People, who cannot read Hebrew at all, have no choice but to pray in the language that they can read and understand. However, anyone who can should accept the challenge of studying the prayers a bit at a time, gradually thereby developing both fluency and comprehension

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff
    Marriage and Relationships

    Heaven and Earth

    (or How to Mix the Wine)

    Our Rabbis teach us that when the couple stands under the chuppah, all their sins are forgotten. The custom to fast on the day preceding the wedding, and to recite the vidui (confession) prayer indicate the parallel between a wedding and Yom Kippur. In the mixing of the two cups of wine, that of Birkat Hamazon and that of the blessings for the couple, we see another parallel, this time to the sacrificial service of Yom Kippur.

    Rabbi Chaim Tabasky
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Short Pants for Davening on Shabbat

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | 5773
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Pumping Air from a Wine Bottle on Shabbat

    Various Rabbis
    Laws of Shabbat

    Writing on Shabbat

    May I write my initials on a frosty window on Shabbos?, May I communicate with someone on Shabbos by making the motions of writing the letters?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Hamapil for Those Who Take a Long Time to Fall Asleep

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Shvat 5773
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Wearing a Reflective Armband on Shabbat Without an Eiruv

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Shvat 5773
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Use of a Rickshaw on Shabbat

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | 5773
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    seudat hodaya

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | 5772
    Additional Lessons

    The Laws of Tumas Meis

    When the Beis Hamikdash is rebuilt, bimheirah beyameinu, the laws of tumah will affect us all, since we will be required to be tahor in order to enter the Beis Hamikdash, to eat korbanos and maaser sheini, and in order to separate challah and terumah.

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | 5772

    Parashat Vayechi - Questions

    Parsha and Rashi Q & A for the Shabbos Table.

    Various Rabbis | 5772
    Ein Ayah

    Who Is an Am Ha’aretz?

    Various Rabbis | 5771
    P'ninat Mishpat

    Use of Harchaka D’Rabbeinu Tam

    Various Rabbis | 5771
    Various Subjects

    Observing a Colorful Lifestyle

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | 5771
    Israel and the Nations

    The Torah’s Instructions to Non-Jews—The Laws of Bnei Noach

    The 7 Noahide Laws, Non-Jews and everything in between.

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | 5771
    Articles about Shavuot

    The Lesson of Mount Sinai

    Rabbi Chanan Morrison | 5770
    Basics of Financial Laws

    How Does a Heter Iska Work?

    What is the prohibition of "Ribbit"? who does it apply on? How does the "Heter Iska" bypass the prohibition? and more...

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | 5770

    The Death of a Tzaddik

    Rabbi Chanan Morrison | 5770
    P'ninat Mishpat

    Support for Sons Not Living With Their Father

    Various Rabbis | 5770
    Marriage and Relationships

    Relationships during the Time of Engagement

    A young engaged man and his fiancée naturally have very strong feelings for each other. It goes without saying that these will be expressed after the wedding, but what expression, if any, is permitted in the meantime? And while we're on the subject, is the attraction of men and women to each other really a good thing to begin with?

    Rabbi Elyakim Levanon | 5770

    In Search of the True Nesher

    In this week’s parsha, Hashem continues to afflict Pharaoh and the Egyptians with some of His plagues, and soon he will extricate us from Egypt on the wings of nesharim (singular nesher), a word usually translated as “eagles.” Clearly, this is meant to symbolize how Hashem will lift the Jewish people above all the difficulties of a mass exodus. Although the exact identity of the nesher is not significant to the extent of this great miracle, the curious among us would appreciate knowing exactly which bird Hashem is using for His metaphor?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | 5770
    P'ninat Mishpat

    A Contractor’s Work That Was Stopped in the Middle

    Various Rabbis | 5769
    Other Great Leaders

    That a Cohen May Not Marry a Divorcee

    A few days later, a royal emissary of the Empress Maria Teresa appeared at the rabbi’s home. The surprised rabbi realized that the wealthy Jew had broken the convention by which Jews did not involve non-Jews in their inner disputes. He had no choice.

    Rabbi Shmuel Holshtein | 5769

    Reciting Brachos in the Presence of Unpleasant Odors

    Reciting Brachot, Benching and learning Torah in the Presence of Unpleasant Odors. May one wash for bread in a public restroom? Can one discuss Torah while walking through city streets where there are dumpsters or dog droppings? What if one cannot smell? and more.

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | 6 SHVAT 5769

    A Man Who Can Enter the Land

    Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Av 5768
    The Art of T'shuva

    Three Stages OF T'shuva

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Two

    Rabbi David Samson | Av 5768

    An Eruv Primer

    The difference between “Reshut Hayachid", “Reshut Harabim” and a "Karmalit", What is an "Eruv"? What is it"s purpose? And what are the main "Eruv" disputes?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Tammuz 5768
    Redemption - Geula

    When Moshiach Comes

    A summary of the different Brachot we will bless when the Moshiach will walk through the door.

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Iyar 5768

    The Great Crock Pot Controversy

    Cooking on Shabbat is forbidden. How then can one slow-cook? What is a slow cooker and is it allowed?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Iyar 5768
    The Laws of Purim

    Purim Meshulash Guide for those in Yerushalayim Only

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Adar 2 5768
    Rain in Israel

    The "Malkosh" - Last Rains

    Man's existence hinges upon land and rain. At the same time, these two elements, without man, lack benefit and direction. The sages of the Midrash therefore teach, "Were it not for man, there would be no covenant with earth to bring rain upon it."

    Rabbi Uzi Kalchaim zt"l | 20 Shvat 5768
    Lessons for the 10th of Tevet

    Special Days of Teves

    Why do we fast on the 10th of Tevet? What is forbidden on the fast day? What can we still do?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Tevet 5768
    Tzedaka - Charity

    How Do I Distribute My Tzedakah?

    Who should I give Tzedaka to? How much? What are critical cases? How do we help them? Continuation

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Kislev 5768

    Study House of Shem & Ever in a world of Lavan

    Rabbi Berel Wein | Kislev 5768

    The Laws of Tumat Met

    What is Tumat Met all about? Who, when and how?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Wednesday, 26 Cheshvan 5768
    Rain in Israel

    The Three Keys

    "R' Yochanan said: Three keys the Holy One blessed be He has retained in His own hands and not entrusted to the hand of any messenger, namely, the Key of Rain, the Key of Childbirth, and the Key of the Revival of the Dead"

    Rabbi Uzi Kalchaim zt"l | Wednesday, 28 Tishrei 5768
    The Laws of Three Weeks

    The Significance of the Three Weeks

    Mourning the Temple's destruction must be internal. A person cannot simply jump into the Ninth of Av. One must enter it gradually in order that his mourning be earnest. Therefore, the intensity of our mourning over the Temple's ruin grows gradually.

    Rabbi Shlomo Fischer zt"l | Rosh Chodesh Av
    Lessons for the 10th of Tevet

    Tevet and the Seasons of the Year

    Equinoctial periods, because of their balanced nature, are fit to bear sanctity. Therefore, these periods contain most of Israel's Festivals. However, there are other times of year less sympathetic to Israel - periods marked by poles in cold or heat.

    Rabbi Uzi Kalchaim zt"l
    Various Subjects

    The Laws Relating to Converts

    The laws relating to Jewish converts are most astounding. Despite the criticism directed at the Jewish people on the grounds that Judaism is racist, the Torah teaches us that any non-Jew who earnestly seeks to join the Jewish people may do so.

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed
    Pathways in Personality Development

    21. The Dangers of Pride

    Just as “cleanliness” must reside in deeds, so must it reside in traits. The work involved in changing one's traits is more difficult than that involved in changing one's deeds. This is because changing traits means doing battle with one's own nature.

    Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed

    Parasha Summary - Vayechi

    An Overview of the Torah Portion

    An Overview of the Torah Portion

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss
    Various Subjects

    A Woman's Obligation to Pray

    According to most authorities, women are no less obligated to pray than men. Therefore, they must pray “Amida” in the morning and the afternoon (“Shacharit” and “Mincha”). The evening Amida prayer (“Maariv”), on the other hand, is voluntary.

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | 5766
    Various Subjects

    Morning Prayer Times

    How early may one begin praying in the morning? When is it too early to recite the Shema? When is it too late? Should mountains be taken into account when calculating the sunrise? Rabbi Eliezer Melamed addresses these and other pertinent issues.

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | 5764
    Lessons for the 10th of Tevet

    The Tenth of Tevet - A Compendium of Laws

    After the destruction of the First Temple, the Prophets and the Sages of Israel legislated fasting on the Tenth of Tevet, for it was on that day that Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, and his legions placed Jerusalem under siege.

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | 5764
    Lech Lecha

    The War of the Kings and its Significance

    Parashat Lech Lecha

    This week’s Torah portion describes at great length the war between the four and five kings, detailing their names and lands. Yet, what is so important about this particular battle that caused the Torah to describe it in such detail?

    Rabbi David Dov Levanon | 5762

    Responsibility for Our Society

    Parashat Naso

    Parashat Naso

    Rabbi Michael K. Strick | Sivan, 5763
    Jerusalem Day

    The Crowns of Jerusalem

    Jerusalem’s eminence stems from its being the city of the Holy Temple, the home of the kingdom of Israel, and the Torah center of the world. In liberating Jerusalem we merited advancing toward the full revelation of the greatness of the Holy City.

    Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed | Iyar 5763

    Who is Entitled to be Called "Rav"?

    A necessary requirement of every person who receives rabbinic ordination is to faithfully and selflessly continue the traditions that Moshe Rabbeinu started when he laid his hands upon his pupil Yehoshua Bin Nun.

    Rabbi Yaakov Ariel | Sivan, 5762
    Articles about Hanukkah

    Greek Wisdom and Language

    There are two possible attitudes towards the Greek culture. We also make an endeavor to explain our relationship with the Greek Empire in our Sages' writings.

    Rabbi Elchanan Ben Nun | Kislev 5750
    The Education of Children and Students

    A Jewish Approach to Discipline in the Classroom

    1. A Hands-On Approach 2. The Role of Trust and Love 3. Factoring In Personality 4. Student Character Types 5. Identifying the Causes

    Rabbi David Samson | Iyar 5761

    Parashat “Shema” and Parashat “Vehaya Im Shamoa”

    Parashat Ekev

    Parashiot Shema Israel and Vehaya im shamoa contain the indispensable principles of the special nature of living in the Land of Israel. Therefore, Moshe teaches the people of Israel these Parashiot at the threshold of The Promised Land.

    Rabbi S. Yossef Weitzen | Av 5761

    The Pillar and the Altar

    - Parahsat Shoftim Two Ways of God- Worship

    Altars are banned in our Portion, while our ancestors have made some. What has changed in the meantime? What are the deeper meanings of an altar and a pillar? What is the difference between a mountain, a field and a house?

    Rabbi Hillel Geffen | Elul 5761

    Conflict and Purpose

    Parashat Vayechi

    Conflict and Purpose. Before taking offense, before interpreting the actions of others incorrectly, one must attempt to see things from the point of view of his fellow and to assume that his intentions were completely pure.

    Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed | Tevet 5759
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