Lessons on Wedding and Sheva Berachot

Sheva Berachos
The time between the Three Weeks and the Yamim Noraim is a popular time to schedule weddings
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Av 5783

Sheva Berachot Every Day of Sheva Berachot?
Is it necessary, proper, or at least recommended to have a sheva berachot celebration every day of the week of Sheva Berachot?
Rabbi Daniel Mann | Adar I 14 5782

A Layman's Guide to Marriage
I was told that I should not include quotations from pesukim on my daughter’s wedding invitation. Yet, I see that ‘everyone’ does! Could you please explain the halacha? "I wish someone could walk me through all the halachic steps that we need in planning our daughter's wedding. I am afraid I'll forget to take care of something.
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Cheshvan 24 5782

Is It a Jewish Custom to Wear White at a Wedding?
Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Sivan 22 5781
the Book of Complaints
My wife and I labored long and hard over the invitation list and over the seating arrangements for the wedding dinner. We invested a great deal of effort and energy in trying to make sure that, to the best of our ability, everyone would be satisfied, and no one would be unduly disappointed.
Rabbi Berel Wein | Iyar 3 5781
A Tale of Two Weddings
Rabbi Berel Wein | Cheshvan 7 5780

Partial Participation in a Wedding
If one does not have enough time to take part in a whole wedding, is it better to come for the Chupa or for the meal?
Rabbi Daniel Mann | Kislev 4 5780