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Tfila timesDropdown Menu to Display Davining Times
Alot 90 min
Talit Tfilin
Kriyat Shma MGA
Kriyat Shma GRA
Tfila MGA
Tfila GRA
Mincha Gedola
Mincha Ketana
Plag HaMincha
Rabeinu Tam
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
{{monthLoazi(day.loaziDate.month)}} {{day.loaziDate.day}}
{{time.name}}: {{time.value}}
ימי זיכרון
Limud Yomi Register
{{l.name}}: {{l.value}} {{l.name}}:{{l.value}}
The Three Weeks
The Special Page For The Three Weeks
Justifiable Homicide
There are those amongst us who abhor violence at all costs, in all circumstances. Apparently, these murmurings against Pinchas,were so strong that the Lord had to "intervene" to defend Pinchas and highlight the justification and necessity of his act.
Justifiable Homicide
There are those amongst us who abhor violence at all costs, in all circumstances. Apparently, these murmurings against Pinchas,were so strong that the Lord had to "intervene" to defend Pinchas and highlight the justification and necessity of his act.
אוריה אורן (64).jpg
What's Fasting Got to Do With It?
A day of fasting in the Jewish calendar – such as this Sunday's Fast of Tammuz – is not one of dieting, but rather a day of introspection and teshuva (contrition and remorse). We are not fasting for something far-removed from ourselves, but rather for our situation this very day.
כיבוד הורים לא מאפשרים
הרב בניהו שרגא

Takanat Hashavin

Rabbi Tzadok Hacohen Milublin
Takanat Hashavin
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Resisei Layla

Rabbi Tzadok Hacohen Milublin
Resisei Layla
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Lintivot Yisrael

Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Hacohen Kook
Lintivot Yisrael
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Emet Ve'emuna

Rabbi Eliezer Melamed
Emet Ve'emuna
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In Our Rabbi's Paths

Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed
In Our Rabbi's Paths
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Intrduction to Shabbat Ha'aretz

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Hacohen Kook
Intrduction to Shabbat Ha'aretz
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Mishnat Harav

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Hacohen Kook
Mishnat Harav
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Click a date on the calendar displays the schedule for that day.

Gregorian advanced yeshiva site making this calendar have been invested great efforts both from the technical side and in terms of laws and political calendar and times for not printing a calendar from the website for commercial use without written permission.

The calendar also contains death dates of one Israel Memorial candle Simon in the calendar shows days of remembrance on the same date, click the date on the calendar on the left to display the memory belonging to the same day, in addition to the times, click the name of the deceased will complement the existing content on the site, you can use the top to convert calendar date Hebrew calendar date to Gregorian and vice versa, select the date that you want to display in the calendarAnd the date will appear at the top of the calendar date when Hebrew and Gregorian date."
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר yeshiva.org.il