- Torah Portion and Tanach
- Tzav
This message is also communicated in our Tefilot, which replaced the korbanot when the Bet HaMikdash was destroyed. In the most important prayer, the Amida, one can merely listen & say Amen to the Chazan's repetition. Except, that is, when it comes to the Modim, or thanksgiving prayer. That must be said individually by each person; for thanks must be constantly focused upon & should never be taken for granted.
Today, while all other offerings have been suspended, we still have a remnant of the Korban Toda, represented in the Birkat Ha-Gomel blessing that we say on 4 different occasions: When one has crossed an ocean or desert;when he has been released from prison; when one recovers from a serious illness; or any time one has encountered a life-threatening situation - & survived it. He then gives thanks to Hashem via this unique bracha.
Now, while the Ha-Gomel blessing must certainly be taken literally, & applied in these specific instances, I suggest that there is another way of approaching it, as well. You see, each of us contains a precious soul, a Neshama that gives us our own special character that links us to G-d & must be carefully safeguarded from the many dangers which threaten it. And these dangers to the soul are all encapsulated in the various categories of the Ha-Gomel.
Think about it: At times our Neshama drifts far, far away from us, as we over-concentrate on the physical side of life; our pure soul seems to be across some distant ocean, or wandering aimlessly in a desert. At other times, we consciously reject the spiritual responsibilities that are incumbent upon us, locking our Neshama, as it were, in a self-made prison. And still at other times, nebuch, our Neshamot are just plain sick. They need nurturing & healing, a healthy dose of Torah learning & Mitzvot & acts of Chesed are the medicine to repair & rejuvenate them.
If we care for our Neshamot - as least as much as we worry about our bodies - we will reach a truly elevated place, & our life will be one that is truly to be thankful for.