Hello Rabbi,
May I create and sell immodest clothing, such as lingere and latex? It is my dream to design clothing. I am a goth and I like such clothing but I do not want to be causing others to sin.
Thank you for your question. You are correct in thinking that causing others to sin is problematic. However, not all immodest clothing is forbidden. For example, selling lingerie is certainly permitted, as most likely it will be worn in private, and thus not involve any sinful action. If the person who buys it does decide to use it for sin, that is their problem, and does not cause you any sin.
This is true with most clothing you could design. As long as there is a chance that it will be used not for a sinful purpose, then it may be sold. So, one may sell a bikini, as it is possible the person will wear it only at a women’s only beach.
I hope this is of some help to you,

non-Jewish cooking
Rabbi David Sperling | Iyyar 27, 5773

Non-Jewish spouse at Seder
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Shaliach Tzibbur wearing a talis/hat for mariv
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