Beit Midrash

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  • Igrot Hare’aya
קטגוריה משנית
To dedicate this lesson
Recipient and Background : Rabbi Dr. Meir Lerner, Rabbi of Altuna (Germany), who for years had interest in the settlement of Eretz Yisrael.

Body : I received your holy letter on 13 Adar I, and I was very happy about the holy inspiration to settle the Holy Land in the light of the spirit of Hashem which extends to His nation and lot, with complete belief and fear of Hashem in truth and completeness. I will answer your questions in order, in brief because of time pressures.
1. Which colonies (agricultural settlements = moshavot) act fully according to Halacha – You should know that this matter cannot be decided with a general answer. In every moshava, there are many people who fear Hashem and act in a completely religious manner, who are careful and exacting in their performance of mitzvot and set aside time for Torah study. In the opposite direction, there are also those who are destructive and throw off the yoke of Torah and mitzvot. While even those who are ostensibly bereft of virtue possess many positive attributes (see Sanhedrin 37a), this is not relevant to our goal of founding a "precious corner" that will be totally holy and dedicated to Hashem and reliable to Torah and mitzvot without aberrations and exceptions.
Certainly, if we will look for a moshava that does not have any "impurities mixed in," it is not possible to find, just as in the Diasporaú you will not find one city that is 100% righteous. However, if we will lean in the direction of kindness, and we will thus be satisfied with the presence of a nice amount of people who fear Hashem and have regard for His Name, this you will find in all of the moshavot, thank G-d. Obviously, in the largest moshavot, such as Petach Tikva, the matter of religion finding expression in Torah and mitzvot is more recognizable. There you can find batei knesset and adjoining rooms full with people during the times of prayer – Shacharit, Arvit, and Mincha – in a manner that gratifies the heart of everyone who fears Hashem and is exuberant about worship of Him. It is similar in smaller moshavot in a relative manner.
Regarding the need to expand the moshavot, in almost every one, the situation is that the more the Jewish inhabitation expands, the more the moshava will grow, as will its importance and security. There are indeed sections of land that are available to be bought in the vicinity of almost all of the moshavot, especially around Petach Tikva, Rechovot, and Ekron, and likewise in areas of the Galilee.
At this time, there is an organization that includes many very religious people, who want to buy a large tract of land in the outskirts of Rafah, which is on the Egyptian border and is presently under British control, on our side of Wadi El Arish. It would be a good idea to join up with this group. The first meeting of the group’s founders already took place in my house, and the decision that all of the affairs of the settlement, when it will come into being, will be according to the holy Torah, is recorded. This includes matters of education, land-based mitzvot, and all public matters. It was also decided that mitzva observance in all public matters falls into the category of "the guidelines of the greater community," which the appointed committees for the operation of the moshavot are in charge of enforcing, that nothing in the Torah and its mitzvot will be desecrated. Also, all the members of the settlement will have to take part in financing all matters of religion that cost money without the possibility of avoiding these responsibilities. The founders accepted the responsibility to ensure that everyone who will join the organization will be required to accept these conditions, and that no one will be accepted until they will have been notified of these rules and accepted to follow them.
Next time we will continue with the response to other inquiries.

את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר