Beit Midrash

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  • Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu
קטגוריה משנית
To dedicate this lesson
I have been working in photography for many years, in addition to my work in the yeshivah in Ateret. I have been privileged to photograph many bridegrooms under the bridal canopy, and I noticed that there is a special illumination on the grooms at the moment of the wedding ceremony. Sometimes the light is so strong that I don’t even need to switch on the flash.
Over the years, I began to realize that the light measure on my camera can measure this light. It’s really true what is said about the sun, "like a bridegroom coming out of the bridal canopy" – the same light.
I was also privileged to be in the hospital with Rabbi Eliyahu at the same time that Chacham Yeshua Ben Shushan was there, praying for the recovery of the Rav. I went to pray with him, and took advantage of the opportunity to photograph the prayers. It’s not every day that one merits being in such a holy place, and we should let others share the experience.
At the same time that we went to pray for the Rav’s recovery, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu from Tzfat, the Rav’s son, was also there, and he also joined in those special prayers. I showed him something very unusual on my camera’s light measure. Every time I aimed the camera in the direction of the Rav, a great light appeared. When I moved the camera away from the Rav, the light vanished, and so on and so forth.
Many people also witnessed this wonder at the time of the Rav’s funeral. A kind of crown of light hovered over the Rav’s bier, like a cloud of light which didn’t leave its place throughout all the eulogies - not until the bier had gone on its way to the cemetery.
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר