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קטגוריה משנית
Shalom, I have heard that the tablet K hescher is not reliable, but I am having trouble finding information from the major kashrut agencies on why it is not an acceptable hescher. Can you direct me to some more information on this? I would like to stop buying and using any products with this hescher if it is the case that it cannot be relied upon. Do I have to kasher any and all dishes that these products have been cooked in or come into contact with? What about items like ceramic bowls and plastic Tupperware containers? Should I just buy new ones?
ב"ה Shalom I was asked this question some time ago and my answer has been published on this site. I cannot add more now to what I knew then which is that the Tablet K is a local Kashrut agency which I really don't know anything about besides what I found on the internet. I also found that it was established by Rabbi Safra in Lawrence, LI. I also said that if you wish to know about their requirements for kosher production, you would have to ask them directly and after you have received that information you should ask your Rabbi if the requirements are proper and satisfying. Sometimes, some Rabbis are more stringent and some are more lenient. By being lenient, it does not mean the Halacha is not being kept, though there are those who do not want to rely upon certain leniencies. However, what I think is more important is how to act upon hearing negative things about someone, without reference to your question about the reliability of Tablet K. The assumption is that the person who tells others to be careful about somebody had good intentions in mind that people should not sin by eating something which may not be kosher. Now the people hearing this, may take what was said only as a suspicion and may not assume that this is totally true. For this person to say that to others , he had the responsibility of verifying the facts and he may not jump to conclusions. His obligation was also to speak to the person who in his eyes is sinning. See הלכות לשון הרע כלל ז, כלל י) Therefore, at this stage without having verified fully what you have heard, I do not see an obligation to koshering your dishes. All the best
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר