Army and War"If Haredim Should Serve in the IDF, So Should You"
IDF Service for Young Jewish Men from America
In short, Israel today is preoccupied with the urgency of drafting many thousands of lacking combat soldiers into the IDF, especially after so many of our best boys have recently fallen or been wounded. Many point the finger at Haredim in this context, especially those who are not really learning Torah full-time, where there is no halachic justification for them whatsoever, not to observe this great mitzvah. On the other hand, it's about time that someone point out that this obligation of Milchemet Mitzvah applies equally to all of the healthy Jewish boys living in America, as well, especially those working or studying in universities. This extremely "readable" yet scholarly article suggests much food for thought, and can potentially be a game-changer for many readers, regarding many issues in this period of Achdut, anti-Semitism and sincere soul-searching & reassessment in the Jewish religious & Haredi communities both abroad and in Israel. Please forward it to as many people as possible!