Beit Midrash

  • Family and Society
  • Army and War
קטגוריה משנית
To dedicate this lesson
October 7th is not the Holocaust not only in terms of the number of victims (by way of illustration, 43,000 Jews were killed on one day, 3 November 1943) but first and foremost, in terms of the national status of the Jewish people.

The Holocaust was the final nail in the coffin of the exile that lasted 2000 years, 2000 years in which the Jewish people were massacred, since they did not have a country, government or the power to defend.

October 7th is undoubtedly one of the darkest days in the history of the Jewish people, but it is on the historical continuum of our return to the land, a return in which there are also falls and disasters. October 7th is a dark window into the days of exile; 14 hours of darkness in which we tasted a bitter drop from the poisoned cup our grandparents drank on a daily basis. Fourteen hours later, and in fact already during them, the State of Israel recovered and fought back against its enemies.

So yes, the surprise was great and the blow hard and painful, but thank God there is a state, and there is an army, and there are heroic fighters who came and prevented a much bigger disaster.

Statements from the progressive line of thought such as "the State of Israel ended on October 7th"; "we are back in the days of the Holocaust"; "we have made no progress in the last 80 years" – are false and hollow. The State of Israel did not end on October 7th; we are not back in the days of the Holocaust; and certainly, the world and the Jewish people have made miraculous progress in the last 80 years.

We will painfully mark Holocaust Remembrance Day, and we will painfully mark the day of remembrance that will be established in memory of the tragedy that befell us this year – but we will not be ungrateful to God, blessed be He, Who is moving us forward generation to generation and from year to year.

The evil will pass
The good will prevail
With the help of God

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