- Torah Portion and Tanach
- Vayetze
Over all of the length of Jewish history the major challenge faced by the Jewish people, collectively and individually, has been remaining true to itself. As a small minority forced to exist in a largely hostile world and environment some of the Jews always attempted to blend in and adopt the majority persona. When living in Haran then be like Lavan was their mantra. Again all of Jewish history clearly indicates that this was a faulty if not even fatal wrong choice. The only thing that works for the Jewish people, again collectively and individually, is being true unto itself and one’s self. We are witness today to the havoc wrought by all of the assimilationist trends and movements within the Jewish societies of various countries and cultures over the past two centuries. They were all so progressive and cutting-edge that they have practically conjured themselves into irrelevance and extinction. There are other movements and ideologies that walk the Jewish street today that have replaced those previously failed ideas and programs. But the test for their longevity and true success remains the same as it always has been – are they true to the tradition and vision of our father Yaakov. For that is the ultimate arbiter of Yaakov’s truth and eternal vision. Everything modern soon becomes obsolete and temporary popularity and faddishness recedes into the ridiculously absurd dustbin of failed ideas. Judaism is not opposed to change and progress. But it is above all necessary to remain true unto itself.