In babylonian talmud sotah 11a:5, the divine presence (shechinah) is identified with divine wisdom in mishley as attested in Luke 11:49. And in babylonian talmud sotah 6a:8~16, rabbis were holding conversation as to the quorum which merits resting of the divine presence, whole imagery of which shows striking similarity with what Jesus said in Matthew 18:20. And in the Light of Shiur Qoman tradition, The resemblance between divine presence and Jesus gets clearer. In babylonian talmud megillah 29, the divine presence went into four exiles with knesset israel. And in eikhah rabbah 1:37 and 3:20, the divine presence/ divine spirit shares suffering with knesset israel and with even one jewish person. All of these show similarity with what Jesus said in Matthew 25 and the conversion of Paul in the book of Acts - Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? And the image of the church is portrayed as the body of Christ in the new testament. And the term [spirit of prophecy] in the book of Revelation 19:10 is often found in various midrashim and targumim. What is your opinion on these matters?
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