- Torah and Jewish Thought
- General Questions
Is it forbidden in the Torah to love more than one person? I only ask as I love two people at the same time and they know about my feelings for them.
Thank you for your question. One is certainly allowed, and even encouraged to love more than one person at a time – in fact we should love everyone all the time! The Torah tells us to “love your fellow”. The sages said that this is the major teaching of the whole Torah – to love everyone!
As to what one does with that love, and how it is expressed, and what form it takes – there one needs to discover the correct expressions and applications of one’s love. If one is referring to the love between husband and wife, then even though we find in the Torah that one man was allowed to have many wives – for more than 1000 years we have refrained from this, and allow only marriages between one man and one woman. There are many reasons for this change, but one of the main ones is the depth and type of marriage we expect today. That relationship is so strong and deep that it is possible only with one other person and any time.
Many blessings.

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