Hello Rabbi,
What does blessed be the name of the glory of His kingdom mean?
Additionally, may I say it in English after possibly saying G-d’s name in vain.
Also, if I am praying alone can I pray for things such as needs/wants in English? I read from Chabad that jt should be in Hebrew so that the angels can carry it on high.
It is a declaration and reminder of the holiness/glory of God's Name, so that we should say it with concentration and the proper respect. That's why we say it right after declaring the Shema Yisrael, and in the Jerusalem Temple, it was declared by the people right after the High Priest (Kohen Gadol) mentioned His Name. Accordingly, if one mentions God's Name by accident or in vain, he immediately recites this, preferable in Hebrew, but if you can't, then in English. God obviously understands all languages, so you can surely ask for your needs or wants also in English. Also it's good to pray from your heart in a way that you can express yourself comfortably, as in any relationship, so too in your relationship with God. Nevertheless, Judaism is not just a personal religion for individuals, but also a nation with a national land, language, coinage, army etc. That is why we prefer, when possible, to pray the wording of the nation as a whole as printed in the traditional prayer-book, and the wording is in the plural, and similarly, men are obligated to pray with a quorum of at least 10, and why we prefer, when possible to pray in the national language of Hebrew. To get the best of both advantages, it's good to do both, pray the regular prayers in Hebrew, and add your own personal prayers in English.

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