- Halacha
- Birkat Hamazon - Grace after the Meal
I am responding to a previous question and answer posted recently.. I have pasted them below my comments
Response to answer:
Not really.
The Rambam says explicitly that a women should say the blessing for her husband (5, 15 brachot, mishneh torah). He explicited does not say the obverse but continues the man whose wife blesses for him is cursed (meaning he doesn’t know the blessing) but it certainly does not sound like he should say the blessing for her. As for the adding on in 2,7, the gemara is obviously not discussing his wife (see kesef mishneh ad locum).
Of course you didn’t find the blessing for the baalat habayit before 1950. It didn’t exist until fifty years ago.
Aryeh Shore
Shevat 7, 5771
Bircat baalat habayit
In the last seven years, I see more and more siddurim and benchers with a paragraph for baalat habayit with instructions that the husband should say it for his wife. The give OH 201:1 for a source.
Of course, there is nothing like this in the Shulchan Aruch or in Meschet Brachot.
Any ideas where this comes from and why do siddurim keep pasting it blindly on the text?
What is your opinion on this matter?
I also could not find this custom in any of the siddurim of the geonim
or rishonim. It’s interesting to note that even on the Seder night,
where the custom is for the host to lead the zimun (as opposed to the
rest of the year where the guest leads the zimun), we find in the
Haggada of Prague from 500 years ago, only that the son blesses his
parents, and no mention of one blessing himself and his wife. In the
Hagada Shleima of Rav Kasher he writes simply: “Bless us and all that
is ours”. In short, there is no specific source, but if our rabbis
teach us that the blessing of any person should not be treated lightly
(Brachot 7a), and we obviously should not want to anger our wives, one
would be wise to continue taking the opportunity to bless his wife!
Especially when the Rambam (Brachot 2, 7) mentions explicitly that one
is allowed to add on to this bracha of the ba’al habayit.
With Love of Israel,
Rav Ari Shvat
Shalom Aryeh,
The Rambam (brachot 5,5) which you mentioned is not referring to the "additional" blessing for the host, but whether a wife could bentch in place of her husband and "motzi" him, and has nothing to do with your question. Being that the bentching ends with "al y'chasrenu", one can add afterwards additional blessings without any problem. Some add a bracha for the State of Israel, some add for the Israeli Defense Force, and obviously one can add for his wife, parents and those close to him.
With Love of Israel,
Rav Ari Shvat
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