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קטגוריה משנית
This is a follow up question. The Rav asked me whether my parents dishwasher was used for totally non-kosher or was used for milk and meat. My parents are renting an apartment from a non-Jew. Therefore when my parents rented the apartment, the dishwasher was presumed treif. Many years back, I had received advice from the local Rav for the sake of Shalom Bayis as well as my parents apparently were informed that the dishwasher can be kashered by running the cycle once. I was wondering if the Rav is aware of such a method of kashering.
ב"ה Shalom, Firstly, I apologize for the delay in my answer, I was not aware your question had arrived. Secondly, for the sake of clarity, I had asked if the dish washer was used for meat and milk, because there are great Rabbis who don't see the dishwasher as Treif if used simultaneously for meat and milk dishes, as I had explained in my previous answer to which you referred to. Therefore, according to those opinions the dishwasher would not have to be made Kosher. However, when it was used for dishes with total Treif, then according to all opinions it must be Kashered. What you Rabbi had told you many years back it totally reliable. After having cleaned out the dishwasher from food residue, you can Kasher the dishwasher by running through the cycle. This opinion is all brought in the popular book for Kashering dishes "Hag'alat Kelim" Chapter 13: 225. All the best
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