Beit Midrash

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קטגוריה משנית
To dedicate this lesson
Recipient: The Council of Rechovot

Body: For some time now, the Teimanim (Yemenite Jews, who were workers rather than landowners in Rechovot) have been bothering me about taking care of their issues in the moshava (Rechovot). Although it seems to me that it is proper that the council should appoint representatives from among them to deal with the moshava’s relations with them, it is not right to appoint spiritual leaders in a manner that is not for their benefit. It would be better and more pleasant that their adjudication and matters of their divorces and marriages, when there are any questions about them, should make use of our central services, so that their matters will be handled with greater honor.
Among [the issues at hand], they should not be allowed to take a second wife, unless they bring a letter from us (the established Rabbinate) that there is no halachic impediment to their doing so. I request of the council to inform me of the details of the matters [at hand], and what are the most important disputes they are involved in, as it is difficult for me to get clear information from them.
Regarding the dispute of the scholar Avraham, concerning his sefer Torah, I already decided on this matter this past summer. Three Shabbatot a month, R. Avraham will get to decide who will receive honors, and one Shabbat a month, the community will decide who receives them.

Looking for Students for Rav Kook’s Future Yeshiva – #259
Date and Place: 3 Shevat 5670 (1910), Yafo

Recipient: Rav Yaakov Moshe Charlop. Rav Charlop, who became very close with Rav Kook, was an outstanding scholar in Yerushalayim and the rabbi of the Shaarei Chesed neighborhood. He later became the Rosh Yeshiva of Merkaz Harav.

Body: I have a request of you, concerning my hope for the sake of Hashem’s Name, that I will succeed in establishing a group of talented young men here, in the holy city [of Yafo]. The plan is to lead them in the ways of Hashem, in true fear of Heaven with a healthy course of study, and prepare them to have an impact in matters of holiness, with an approach of rectitude of the heart, a brave spirit, internal serenity, and charm and honor in their approach to life.
At this point, we will be able to accept four young men [from Yerushalayim], if they are talented enough. Together with some talented young men on some level who are here (Yafo and/or the region), there will be a foundation to gather everyone together for this holy undertaking with divine grace. I am turning to you, my respected friend – if there are not pressing matters that prevent this, such as the current situation (ed. note- I am unaware what specifically he was referring to), to please write to me the names of some talented young men that you know, especially if they are likely to agree to come. Then we can try to bring the matter to fruition, and the merit that the masses will have will be credited to you.

את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר