Beit Midrash

  • Jewish Laws and Thoughts
  • Berachot - Blessings
קטגוריה משנית
To dedicate this lesson
Answer: There are almost as many Brachot for smelling as there are for eating!

1) Baruch ata…borei atzei b’samin is made on
nice-smelling inedible substances that grow on trees (e.g.roses).
2) Boruch atah...borei isbei b’samim is made on
nice-smelling inedible substances that grow on the ground (e.g. mint).
3) Boruch atah...borei minei b’samim for
nice-smelling substances which don’t grow on
trees or the ground (e.g. cinnamon). It is also a
"catch-all" Bracha for mixtures & cases of doubt
(Ashkenaz Havdala always uses this Bracha).
4) Boruch atah….borei shemen areiv is a special
Bracha for balsam/balsam oil. As it grows
abundantly in Eretz Yisrael it has a special
status & preference over all other smells, giving it its own Bracha.;
5) Boruch atah…..hanosein reiach tov bapeirot
(e.g. fresh-ground coffee) is a special Bracha
for foods which grow on trees or the ground,
smell nice, & are taken with intent to smell.

There is NO after-bracha (achrona) after smelling.
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר