Lessons on The Education of Children and Students

The Heavy Price Paid by Rabbis, Leaders & Their Children
Ein Aya, Shabbat 2, 240
Most people don't realize the extent of self-sacrifice, both physical (financial, health, time, worry, etc.) & spiritual (e.g. their own learning, marriage, children) that rabbis, community leaders & general volunteers lose by serving their students & community. Rabbi's children especially suffer, resenting the high expectations from a very young age! Inevitably, some even rebel against religion or communal service, either consciously or sub-consciously holding "them" responsible for their lost time with their parent. Some rebel to gain their parent's attention. Rav Kook deals with these painful phenomena of literal Mesirut Nefesh (not just Mesirut "Guf"!) & the limits involved, explaining the importance of serving Am Yisrael= serving G-d.
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Cheshvan 2 5781
Double Trouble
At the Shabbat Table
At the Shabbat Table
Rabbi Daniel Kirsch | Kislev 15 5780

The Angel from Westchester
A moving story about how divine providence led Levi Welton to a convert who was inspired to name himself Chaim, after dancing with an angel he met in Westchester.
Rabbi Yoel Gold | Cheshvan 1 5780
More Love and Less Discipline- the Change in Education Styles
Ein Aya Shabat Chapter A Paragraph 71
Examining the delicate balance between Love and Awe towards parents, rabbis and G-d in each respective generation.
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Adar 25 5772
Reducing and Utilizing the Summer Vacation
The summer vacation is too long and can cause idleness, boredom and bad things. It should be reduced to one month and until then we must build a good program to fill the vacation.
Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed