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Justifiable Homicide

Justifiable Homicide

There are those amongst us who abhor violence at all costs, in all circumstances. Apparently, these murmurings against Pinchas,were so strong that the Lord had to "intervene" to defend Pinchas and highlight the justification and necessity of his act.

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Daily Times in Jerusalem

20 Tammuz 5784 | 26/7/2024

Daily Times | more times
  • 5:52 Sunrise
  • 8:42 Kriyat Shma MGA

Shabbat Pinchas

21 Tammuz 5784

Shabbat Times | Parashat Hashavua
  • 19:04 Candle lighting
  • 20:20 End of Shabbat
  • 20:57 Rabeinu Tam
  • 16:12 Tenth hour

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Daily Halacha

Do Jews still tithe today?


Hello,since we don’t have the Temple in Jerusalem for now,is payment of tithe still valid,if yes to whom? Do we still have recognisable Levites today? What of first fruits?How do we pay it?Is it still relevant today?


Yes, we have thousands of recognized Levites and Kohanim and we still tithe (there are many details involved), but it's only on fruits and vegetables grown in the Land of Israel, and even in Israel, not this year during the Shemitta (= 7th, Sabbatical year). Outside of Israel, Jews tithe 10% of their earnings and give to the poor and yeshiva academies. The first fruits we do not mark anymore (it's also just in the Land of Israel), and accordingly can't and don't have to give them to the Kohanim.

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Parashat Hashavua

Elijah and the Still, Small Voice

Elijah and the Still, Small Voice

To preserve tradition and at the same time defend those others condemn is the difficult, necessary task of religious leadership in an unreligious age.

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