- Family and Society
my wife received a package of dates with no kkashrus supervision that came from jordan valley. besides trumos and maasros, are there any other issues to be concerned with, for example orlah?
Regarding Trumot and Ma’asrot you should definitely take without a Brachah.
In regard to your question in regard to Orlah, I consulted today with a Rabbi from the Jordan valley. On the one hand he said, most of the dates from the Jordan valley are sold without problems of Orlah. There is a very small percent of dates with Orlah usually from small growers. On the other hand, sometimes, dates can be grown elsewhere and only packaged in the Jordan valley.
There are those ,who are lenient in such a situation, where the majority is not Orlah.
However , to remove all doubt, if there is a name of the date grower or the Moshav or Kibbutz , be in touch with the Rabbinate in charge of that particular place and get the most accurate information. Much of this information is easily obtainable on the internet or there are available phone numbers of the Rabbi or the supervisors. This way, you will also get an answer in regard to Trumot and Ma’asrot.
All the Best and
Happy Chanuka

Rabbi David Sperling | Av 17, 5775

Rabbi David Sperling | Av 17, 5775
Genesis 24: 2-9 – Put your hand under my thigh
Rabbi Moshe Leib Halberstadt | Tevet 26, 5770