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  • Halacha
  • Products That Aren't Food
קטגוריה משנית
Hello Does one have to have a hechsher on a vegan/vegetarian empty capsule? I use these empty capsules to easily swallow various herbs, garlic, ginger, tumeric, etc. Thank you PS: We are Sephardi
ב"ה Shalom, If someone was actually ill , it would be easier to answer this question, since when one is actually ill a capsule can be taken even if it not kosher, since swallowing a capsule is considered not the normal way a person eats or benefits from something. (See Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 155: 3. However, a person who takes vitamins and supplements to maintain good health must make sure the product is either kosher certified or contains all kosher ingredients. I personally do not have enough information about the production of these capsules, therefore, I ask that you please refer your question to one of the major Kashrut agencies, with the name of the product and company name, and they should be able to assist you. Be well All the best
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