Ask the Rabbi

קטגוריה משנית
I have a question. Why does G-d allow our enemies to antagonize us and besmirch His Name and His people? It is really scary being a Jewish man in the 21st century. I hope you may answer my question. Sincerely, Josh Morgan
Shalom, Thank you for your question. It certainly is scary! But it’s also enriching, ennobling, uplifting, important to be a Jew in our day and age. We merit to live in one of the most uplifting times for the Jewish people in the last 2000 years. A time when Am Yisrael is returning home to (re)build itself as a holy nation. When our mission to bring G-dliness to the world is being actualized by our daily actions. When we each have an opportunity to be part of the incredible light that Am Yisrael is able to bring to the world. So, that is the first part of my answer to you. We need to not only see the darkness of the enemies of Israel. But rather, to focus on the great light it brings out of us. To see the incredible acts of valor and might, of lovingkindness and giving, that exist in our people. To also learn to see the great acts of G-d that He is preforming constantly with His nation. When we learn to see the world in such a fashion, we are able to overcome much of our fear. As to the “why” question in relation to Hashem’s acts – that’s a big question. There are many answers, but I’ll suffice with one of them. Much of what Hashem does in the world, even when it appears painful and bad, is ultimately part of a big plan that brings about a greater good. May we merit to see that good speedily in our days. Blessings.
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר