Please advise how to pray properly so words get connected to speech, heart and mind into ONE Also, is there a guide on Hitbonenut and praying with Kavanah as described a lot in Lessons in Tanya (so that I can feel real Yirah and Ahavah in davening)?
These are very important concepts! Concentration (Kavana) is the essence of prayer and accordingly, your desire to improve it is fantastic. From personal experience with my students, the best way is for you to sit down, think for yourself and write down 15 practical ways for you to improve it, and then implement them, one at a time, during 1 week, and then implement another one (or if they don't contradict, you can implement several together). The challenge is how to keep one's prayer exciting and "fresh", so to keep changing these implementations are very helpful. For example: listening to a song or story (say of R. Shlomo Carlebach) before praying; praying after watching a beautiful sunset; singing the prayers; saying the words slowly; alternatively, saying each word quickly (but with concentration) so that your mind doesn't have time to wander; turn off your cell-phone; leave yourself enough time to pray properly, listening to an inspiring rabbi before prayer, etc. etc. This strive for improvement must continue for the rest of your life, so as not to ever take for granted our pleasure of speaking with the Almighty. All the best!