Hello, does one need to make kiddush rabbah bmakom seudah? Frequently when we are invited out for Shabbos lunch, our host will ask if we have already "heard kiddush" or "made kiddush", and unless you say "no" they jump right to hamotzi and the meal. Even if we have partaken of a shul kiddush, is it not more proper to still make kiddush bmakom seudah? What is the appropriate din?
Thank you for your question,
kiddush Bmakom seudah does not have to be with bread. If you made Kidush and had Mezonot it's considered 'Bmakom seudah'. See Shulchan Aruch (273;5). I will point out that according to the Vilna gaon who's opinion is mentioned in the Beur halacha (ibid), one must make the Kidush together with his Shabbos meal with bread.
For a clear explanation see here:
All the best!