- Halacha
Every week I print out several divrei Torah from the internet. Many of them have the name of H’, or even with the "o" in the middle.
Am I permitted to throw them out after Shabbat, or must I keep them until it’s time for Geniza?
There are several kinds of Diverei Torah:
1. A story which includes a Dvar Torah does not need Geniza.
2. All Divrei Torah otherwise have to be placed in the Geniza.
3. In a situation when there is no space in the Gniza and no other solution is possible one may only need to put in the - Divrei Torah with Shemot.
Divrei Torah must be kept respectfully untill being placed in the Geniza.
A Dvar Torah is placed in Geniza when one is done with it.
Rabbi Yosef Weitzen

Do Jews still tithe today?
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Cheshvan 23, 5782

Washing and Benching With Small Amounts
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | 25 Iyyar 5766

shaking hands in a dream
Rabbi Ari Shvat |