Beit Midrash

  • Torah Portion and Tanach
  • Vayishlach
קטגוריה משנית
To dedicate this lesson
Answer: In our Sedra, Yakov puts his family on
one side of the Yabok ford while, on the other
side, he wrestles with an angel. Though Yakov
wins the wrestling match, he is wounded in the
leg, after which he limps. Chazal say this injury
was a result of leaving his family unaccompanied,
& learn from here that one should escort a
visiting guest when they are departing from the
city (as Avraham also did for the angels). This
is why, in the Egla Arufa story, the leaders err
by not escorting a stranger (who later meets with
harm) on his way out of town. Escorting is an act
of Chesed, part of "V’Ahavta l’Rayecha Kamocha."
We should walk a guest at least 4 amot (6 feet) &
do it with joy rather than tears. If the host or
guest can share a Torah thought as they separate,
that is preferable. "Leych l’shalom ("go towards
peace)," which is what Yitro said to Moshe) is
appropriate, while "Leych b’Shalom" (which David
said to Avshalom at their last, tragic parting, &
which is said at a funeral) is inappropriate.
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר