Beit Midrash

  • Shabbat and Holidays
  • Laws of Hanukkah
קטגוריה משנית
To dedicate this lesson
hanuka begins this Sunday night. Men, women & children of educable age should light their own Menora (a wife may fulfill her obligation with her husband's Bracha). Our custom (see the Dvar Torah) is to add a new candle each successive night, though even 1 candle lit each night for the entire family fulfills the basic Mitzva. Lights are placed from right to left but lit from left to right (that is, the newest light is lit first). We light anytime after nightfall; lights must burn at least 30 minutes. On Friday night they must burn for at least 80 minutes; so use enough oil or large candles. Electric lights may NOT be used. All lights should be on 1 level, not in a semi-circle. One should light in the place where he/she sleeps that night. The brachot - L'hadlik ner shel Chanuka; Sheh-asa Nisim & Shehecheyanu (the latter blessing said 1st lighting only) - are recited before lighting. Al Hanisim & full Hallel are said each day of Chanuka; the Torah is read daily from Naso. It's a custom to eat dairy/fried foods, but it's not absolutely required!
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר