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- P'ninat Mishpat
Ruling A kibbutz is a special type of framework founded upon the value of partnership and equality, which finds expression both in the social sphere and in the legal sphere. When beit din is asked to decide matters in the legal/monetary realm, it must base itself on the written agreements between the members of the kibbutz and the kibbutz as a whole. Beit din cannot be influenced by the social elements of the dispute, which is the domain of the kibbutz itself. Thus, complaints about favoritism and selective enforcement are not relevant in the venue of beit din. Only when a certain manner of handling financial matters becomes the norm does it become a factor that beit din should take into account. By means of analogy, if workers at a factory steal raw materials and the management does not always prosecute or punish such workers, this does not mean that they cannot take action against a certain individual worker. Only if the situation is that the management, as a rule, lets workers take the materials may a worker follow the established norm. Therefore, beit din will not alter its ruling based on alleged individual cases of selective enforcement of kibbutz rules.
The kibbutz’s by-laws are the basis of the members’ rights and privileges in relation to the kibbutz, based on the rule that "if one makes a condition, everything follows the condition" (Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat 176:5). The by-laws clearly state that any money or property that an individual receives from any source is supposed to be handed over to the kibbutz. The use of the enrichment fund was an exception as long as its purpose was such that it could be used only by an individual member, in this case, def. However, once def converted the assets into money that can be used for any purpose by anyone, those monies are like any other that def received. This is similar to other fringe benefits that can be converted into money that can be used for any purpose, and thus it is pl’s right to receive that money.
P'ninat Mishpat (744)
Various Rabbis
235 - An Aggressive Landlord
236 - A Kibbutz’s Rights to Fringe Benefits
237 - School Recess that Disturbs Neighbors
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