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קטגוריה משנית
I am writing to express my concern as a Jew who tries to uphold a life of Torah and Mitzvot. In short, it appears that the overwhelming majority of Rabbanim in the world (save a few exceptions in Eretz Yisrael). The issue of Korban Pesach continues to burn deep within me, I cannot understand how although it is clear that the Mitzvah still applies no one speaks about it or tries to revive it. The Rambam in the Mishne Torah, Hilchot Korban Pesach, Chapter 7, clearly states the Halacha, that we must bring the Korban in Tuma and those who fail receive Karet! Until I learned the Halacha, I was also under the illusion that we are under no obligation to bring the Pesach in our times, but now I know I have been lied to. I know that the overwhelming majority of Rabbanim are either ignorant in this area, or worse, withholding crucial information from the public. I do not know what is worse. If there was at least a sincere effort by the Rabbanim (and their organizations) to revive the Korban, then I would have no complaint. • There are no negotiations with the Israeli Authorities in regard to facilitating the Korban on the Har HaBayit on Erev Pesach . • There is no organized effort to train kohanim for the very difficult task of slaughtering of the Pesachim. • There is no organized effort to learn and decide on Halachic issues related to the Korban, like Yechusin and the boundaries of Halachic Yerushalayim. • There is no organized effort to practically prepare the masses for the eventuality of brining the Korban. • There are no mass protests organized by the religious establishment to try to force the hand of the government of Israel. I cannot understand the silence, perhaps you can explain. The Rabbanim cannot remain silent and if they do remain silent, then how are they different then the “Reform Rabbis” they love to scorn? The Reform choose their Mitzvot and we choose ours, but maybe we are worse! While we claim fidelity to the Torah the Reform do not.
ב"ה Shalom, Your fervor for fulfilling the mitzvah of Korban Pessach is exemplary; however we must be extremely cautious when speaking about other Talmidei Chachamim. The issue of renewing the korban Pessach is not a new one. It has been discussed form the time of the awakening of the Jews in exile to return to Eretz Yisrael from the 19th century. While there were Rabbanim who said that the Korban Pessach can be renewed(דרישת ציון, הרב קלישר זצ"ל), there were others who tenaciously opposed this on Halachic grounds of not knowing the location of the Mizbe'each.( (הרב צבי פסח פרנק זצ"ל , ספר מקדש מלך, ושו"ת הר צבי יו"ד, עבודת בית הבחירה בזה"ז סי' יא). ). Rav Kook Tz"l also clearly wrote that not knowing the exact location of the Mizb'each, prevents us from bringing the Korbon Pessach. (משפט כהן, סי' צא-צב). I touched upon this issue once on this site answering a similar question. All the best
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