Beit Midrash

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49 Lessons
    Davening in a Minyan

    Ask the Rabbi: The Chazan’s Pre-Birkat Kohanim Practice

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | 13 Elul 5783
    The Reading of the Torah

    An Oleh Who Wants to Lain His Aliya

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tammuz 5783

    Nefilat Apayim without a Sefer Torah

    What are the rules of when one does and does not do Nefilat Apayim (putting one’s head down and partially covering it) during Tachanun?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Adar 5783

    Mother’s Name for prayers for Ill Convert

    What is the correct formula in prayers for Ill Convert

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Cheshvan 5 5783
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Taking Over as Chazan after Yishtabach

    I was supposed to take over as chazan at Yishtabach, but I absentmindedly said Yishtabach quietly as the previous chazan was finishing Az Yashir. I quickly asked him to say Yishtabach and Chatzi Kaddish, after which I took over. Was this appropriate?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tishrei 29 5783
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Chazan Having Trouble Taking Three Steps Back

    As chazan, I was unable to take three steps back after my silent Shemoneh Esrei because someone was davening close behind me even when the gabbai signaled me to start chazarat hashatz. What should I have done at that point?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    A Minor Doing the Concluding Barchu

    At Ma’ariv, a boy under bar mitzvah recited Kaddish Yatom. When he finished, people told him to say Barchu as well. Was that proper? If not, should I have answered?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Iyar 2 5782
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Unsure if he Recited Birkat Hatorah

    Sometimes I am unsure if I recited Birkat Hatorah (=BKHT) and so I plan to remedy the situation by having in mind to fulfill BKHT with Ahava Raba. Sometimes, though, I am not sure whether I had that in mind while I was reciting Ahava Raba. What do I do in such a case?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Adar I 21 5782
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    V’ten Tal U’matar for those Returning Abroad in the Fall

    I am in my second year in Israel but have to go back permanently soon, before Dec 4. I started saying “v’ten tal u’matar” on 7 [Mar]Cheshvan. Should I have? Should I stop now, when I get back to chutz la’aretz, or not at all?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Kislev 4 5782
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Changes in Tefilla for those Visiting Israel?

    I hope to visit Israel this summer. Should I say “morid hatal” in Shemoneh Esrei like Israelis, and should I continue to say Baruch Hashem L’olam at Ma’ariv?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Av 18 5781
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Finding Out Late about the Presence of a Kohen or Levi

    As a gabbai, sometimes I do not realize either that a kohen is present and I give the first aliya to a non-kohen, or that a levi is present and I give the second aliya to the kohen. What do we do when this is discovered?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tevet 8 5781
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    When to Say Yehiyu L’ratzon

    Does Yehiyu L’ratzon come before or after Elokai Netzor and/or personal requests at the end of Shemoneh Esrei?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Cheshvan 8 5781
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    How Does the Chazan Act During Modim D’Rabbanan?

    I have seen some chazanim wait, during their Modim, at “l’olam va’ed” for the tzibbur to finish Modim D’Rabanan. That seems to make the most sense, so everyone can hear all of Modim. Should everyone be doing that?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Av 20 5780
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    How to Time Vatikin?

    When minyanim closed, I started davening vatikin (starting Shemoneh Esrei (=SE) at hanetz hachama (sunrise=netz)). If I do not know precisely when netz is, is it better to err on the side of starting SE before or after netz?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Iyar 10 5780
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Kri’at HaTorah in the Shadow of Corona

    When minyanim are taking place with the permission of health authorities under social distancing rules, what should be done to separate “functionaries”?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Iyar 6 5780
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Drinking during Davening

    I showed my surprise to a serious young man who was drinking coffee during Shacharit. He said it helps him daven and is permitted. Can that be correct?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Adar 13 5780
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Kaddish after An’im Zemirot

    n my shul, at the end of An’im Zemirot, the chazan (child) does not say “Lecha Hashem hagedula …” I understand that it is not permitted to say Kaddish after a shir (song of praise) without p’sukim. Can you provide me with sources to prove this?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Shvat 29 5780
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    A Late Tachanun

    The chazan skipped Tachanun, and everyone assumed there was a chatan or a brit. After davening, the chazan said he just forgot Tachanun. People disagreed about whether we could/should say Tachanun at that point. What is the halacha?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tevet 10 5780
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Kedushat Beit Knesset of a Rented Building

    Clients of mine want to rent out a building that has served for a family business to a religious group, who will use part of it as a shul. They are concerned that if things do not work out, they will get back control of the building with some of it having the restrictions of a shul, which would restrict their use of it. Is this a problem, and if so what can be done to obviate the problem?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tevet 3 5780
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Switching Chazanim at Ashrei

    In my small, Ashkenazi Shacharit minyan (without a rav), we now have two aveilim. They have been switching being chazan at Ashrei, but recently some people (mainly Sephardim) raised objections. I thought it was a standard practice. Is there a problem with it?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Kislev 19 5780
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