Beit Midrash

  • Torah Portion and Tanach
  • Terumah
קטגוריה משנית
To dedicate this lesson
The keruvim – said to be baby-faced angels with wings & the faces of male & female children – were both objects made of gold, & were also woven into the curtains of the Mishkan. They technically do violate the 2nd of the 10 Commandments; but the fact that they are specifically commanded by Hashem overrides the general prohibition. In a similar fashion, the command to kindle the Ner Tamid each & every day permitted lighting the Menora even on Shabbat, despite the general rule, "You shall kindle no fire in all your habitations on the Shabbat." One more exception to the rule is found in some of the clothes of the Kohanim in the Mishkan. Rav Yehuda HaNasi was of the opinion that the girdle (avnet) of the ordinary Kohen was made of sha’atnez (a mixture of wool & linen, prohibited in the Torah), while the Talmud states that the Kohen Gadol wore a linen avnet on Yom Kippur but a girdle of sha’atnez on all other days.

These exceptions prove we are an exceptional People!
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר