- Torah Portion and Tanach
- Bo
The story of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt is the basis for the root concept of Judaism that the Jewish people are mysteriously special and unique amongst all other peoples that inhabit the globe. As the Torah itself will proclaim: "Has there been any other historic occurrence where one nation has been extracted from the midst of another nation?" Many peoples have experienced revolutions against oppressors and the achievement of national freedom. But the story of the exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt remains a singular and unique one. This is because the purpose for that exodus was not limited to achieving national freedom and personal comfort. Rather, as expressed so often one by Moshe and in the Torah itself, it was that this people should be a light unto the nations, a chosen people, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation dedicated to the service of God. It is because of this higher layer of freedom that the exodus from Egypt represents that the Jewish people have survived and prospered in spite of all odds and through all generations. Throughout the ages, many in the non-Jewish world have dealt with the issue of Jewish survival and its ultimate mystery. Judaism and Jewish values and ideals have penetrated and influenced all sections of humanity. One can therefore say that it is the very exclusivity of the Torah narrative and of Jewish thought and lifestyle that itself carries with it the universality that the Jewish people have achieved. Among the many great paradoxes of the human story, this paradox of the exclusivity and universality of the Jewish people is primary.