Beit Midrash

  • Torah Portion and Tanach
  • Chukat
קטגוריה משנית
To dedicate this lesson
Answer: Our Sedra of Chukat begins with the
mysterious ritual of the Para Aduma. Because the
ashes of the red heifer can simultaneously render
one person tahor & another person tamei, it is
considered the Chok – a law for which the reason
is not readily apparent – par excellence,
exceeding even Shlomo HaMelech’s understanding.
But it can also refer to laws which are
unchanging throughout history, such as Pesach’s
rules being "Chukat Olam," eternal decrees. There
is a third application as well: some laws are
eminently logical for some people, or at one
specific time & place, yet inexplicable for
others or at a different time & place. These laws
are called "Chok u’Mishpat," statute & law.
Sounding the Shofar, for example, is both
mystically imponderable, yet also logical when it
announces a king. Honoring parents is another
"Chok u’Mishpat;" it makes sense because they
care for us, yet when it was given in the desert,
our parents neither fed, taught nor protected us.
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר