- Torah Portion and Tanach
- Yitro
Stealing comes in many forms and shapes and circumstances. From misleading advertising to Bernard Madoff, stealing is pretty much rife in the world. The rabbis of the Talmud stated that most people eventually are found guilty of having stolen something in their lives. The drive to acquire more for one’s own self, to be richer and apparently more financially secure, drives the person to steal in a myriad ways. The drive for wealth forces moral and eventually legal compromises with the pure conscience that the Torah wished us to possess. The halacha even possesses within it the concept of stealing someone else’s mind and intent. One is not allowed to mislead other people in order to obtain financial reward for one’s self. I knew a good person who while selling his home nevertheless informed the potential buyer of all of the hidden defects that existed in the house. Kosher money is harder to come by than is kosher food. The dive for wealth, if left unchecked and untamed, can also eventually lead to murder. Many a murder has occurred in human life because of money. King Solomon stated that money can answer all problems but nevertheless he was forced to admit in his own life that was not exactly accurate in that assessment. It can answer many problems but it is not all powerful. All money is fungible and impermanent. Don’t take my word for it; just look around at our current world.