Ask the Rabbi

קטגוריה משנית
My whole family used to be completely frum but as time went on my uncles went OTD then my aunt went OTD and my siblings aren’t even close to my level of Yiddishkeit. My brother barely wears a yarmulke and my sister dresses completely immodestly. So it’s become really hard to come home after a day of yeshiva after being in a Torah environment then to be home where there is basically no Torah at all. Sometimes I wish I can just go to another family or one of my rebbiem family for Friday night and Shabbos. Is there anything I can do to change the environment I’m in or do I have to live with it and try to stay connected with my Yiddishkeit.
Shalom, Thank you for your question. Firstly, let me send you brachot for continued success in your Avodat Hashem. As to your question – it’s a good one. Let me suggest a few different approaches you might want to try. As you write that you learn in yeshiva, the very first thing you should do is to seek out a listening ear of a Rabbi or teacher at school who can give you support. The connection with a personal mentor will be of great help. Don’t despair if it takes a while to make the connection – keep trying. (Feel free to show your teachers this response – I’m sure they will find the right person to help you). Next – try and set up some after Yeshiva time for a chevrutah. Even if it’s only on the phone (or over the internet). Learning Torah is a huge help. You can also add to your own learning at home – it fills the spiritual air with holiness and has a (sometimes hidden) effect on the environment around you. Also – know that even though we are affected by our environment, the ultimate responsibility for our Avodat Hashem rests on ourselves. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that everything would be fine if only this or that changed. No, Hashem places all of us in a particular place and time to serve Him exactly from where we are. So know that you have great opportunity to grow from the very difficult place you find yourself. May you be blessed with growth and success
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