Beit Midrash

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46 Lessons
    The Month of Elul

    Ask The Rabbi: What Are The Customs Of S’lichot?

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | 20 Elul 5783
    The Month of Elul

    Our Two-Pronged Elul Preparations

    Rabbi Avraham Shapira Zt"l | 15 Elul 5783

    The Simcha of Teshuva

    Rav Judah Mischel | 6 Elul 5783
    The Month of Elul

    Two Brothers Who Were Painters

    Rabbi Haggai Lundin | Elul 10 5782
    The Month of Elul

    Elul in Our Generation of Redemption

    A man once came to his rabbi with a complaint: "Rabbi, I work very hard and make hardly any money." The rabbi said, "I can give you a higher paying job, and it's also very easy work." The man jumped with joy and said, "I'll take it!" The rabbi said, "Great. Take this hammer and swing it up and down, over and over at a set pace, and I'll pay you per hour." The man said, "Sounds both easy and profitable," and immediately got to work....

    Rabbi Netanel Yossifun | Elul 6 5782
    The Month of Elul

    National Repentance - Returning to the Land

    That is, the dispersed and exiled nation will arouse to general repentance and will seek to return to the Holy Land. The next stage is that G-d will ingather them together in the Land, no matter how far and wide they are dispersed. This will be a unique display of Divine providence and aid for the ingathering of the Land's children in joy. And then will come the final stage...

    Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Av 29 5782
    The Month of Elul

    "Bring us back in whole-hearted repentance before You”

    There are those who wonder how we can ask God to return us in Teshuva (repentance). After all, Teshuva is our job. I heard once from Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, that every Teshuva contains an aspect of man and an aspect of the Blessed Creator, Who sends man an awakening to repentance.

    Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | Elul 24 5781
    The Month of Elul


    There was a time, not so far distant in the past, that it was said in Eastern Europe, that even the fish in the rivers trembled when they heard the announcement that the month of Elul had arrived. That certainly is not the case today.

    Rabbi Berel Wein | Elul 8 5781
    The Month of Elul

    How Can We Take Advantage of Elul?

    Translated by Sharona Eshet-Kohen

    How can we take advantage of Elul and not "fall" into the High Holidays each year?

    Rabbi Dov Lior | Elul 8 5781
    The Month of Elul

    Our Generation's "Teshuva From Love"

    Why will this special Messianic generation, of all generations, be in such a sorry spiritual and material state? Logically when Israel improves its ways, they will be worthy of Redemption – so why will it actually be a period of spiritual crisis and other troubles?

    Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed | Elul 5 5781
    12 min

    National (vs. Individual) T'Shuva

    What "national t'shuva" is, how it differs from individual t'shuva, and why it takes precedence in this generation.

    Rabbi Moshe Kaplan | Elul 5 5781

    T'shuva - It's Not What You Think

    one of the elderly Russian women asked Rav Kook's mother, "Tell me, please: We're on our way to the Holy Land to meet our god, but why would you Jews be going there? Mrs. Kook answered without hesitation: "You're going to visit a dead god, but we're going to meet the living G-d."

    Rabbi Netanel Yossifun | Elul 4 5781

    The Teshuva of the Treasury Minister

    A short story and explanation of the power of Teshuva to transform sins into merits

    Rabbi Netanel Yossifun | Av 28 5781
    The Month of Elul

    The Significance of “l’david Hashem Ori”

    What is the significance of “l’david hashem ori” that is said during this time?

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Elul 7 5780
    The Month of Elul

    Why Do We Sound the Shofar During Elul?

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Av 24 5780
    Rav Kook books

    At The Shabbat Table

    Re'eh 5778

    Re'eh 5778

    Rabbi Daniel Kirsch | Av 28 5778
    Berachot - Blessings

    What does papaya have to do with the beginning of Elul?

    What does papaya have to do with the beginning of Elul?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | 5771

    Haazinu - Shuvah

    Rabbi Berel Wein | 5771
    Trial and Difficulties in Life


    Rabbi Berel Wein | 5770
    The Month of Elul


    Rabbi Berel Wein | 5770
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר