9 Lessons

How/When to Start Breaking Yom Kippur Fast
Rabbi Daniel Mann | 3 Tishrei 5784

Measuring the Amount One Can Eat/Drink
I will need to drink on Yom Kippur in shiurim (small amounts at a time to lower the violation). Should I prepare the portions of liquid beforehand in order to not have to measure on Yom Kippur?
Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tishrei 6 5782

White and Nice Clothes and Gold on Yom Kippur
Is it indeed proper to wear white clothes and not wear gold on Yom Kippur? Is there a difference between men and women? Should one wear or avoid nice clothes on Yom Kippur?
Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tishrei 4 5780

Tosefet Yom Kippur
When and how should one accept Yom Kippur?
Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tishrei 4 5779

Avinu Malkeinu When Yom Kippur Falls Out on Shabbat
I understand that this year, with Yom Kippur falling out on Shabbat, we will not be saying Avinu Malkeinu, except at Ne’ila. What makes Avinu Malkeinu fitting, among all the tefillot of Yom Kippur, to be eliminated, and why is Ne’ila an exception?
Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tishrei 5 5778

Washing Hands with Soap on Yom Kippur
Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tishrei 4 5776

Havadala on Yom Kippur Which Falls on Shabbat
Rabbi Daniel Mann | 5774

Cessation of What?
Rabbi Daniel Mann | 5774