24 Lessons

Ok – What Is the Real Deal About Hamantashen??!!
Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Adar II 16 5782

Irony & Hashem's "Sense of Humor" as Basics in Purim and Jewish Thought!
The Maharal, Rav Kook and others teach of the central theme on Purim of "Overturning"= V'Nahafoch Hu", but the question is: why is this so important? The class suggests 8 reasons why this concept is what convinced Yitro to convert to Judaism, and why this "boomerang" shows not only the irony and humor of God's history, but is so basic to understanding Judaism, justice, philosophy and more.
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Adar 13 5781

Myths, the Megila and Moshiach
As in many aspects of Jewish life, myths abound concerning the Purim story. One of those myths portray Achashverosh as a harmless, bumbling old fool, pulled to and fro by his wives and advisors. Yet Gemara Megila makes it abundantly clear that Achashverosh hated the Jews no less - perhaps even more! - than did Haman.
Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Adar 13 5781

Will You Throw Away Your Mask This Purim?
Sometimes rather than endangering lives, throwing away your mask can save lives. A message for Purim.
Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair | Adar 13 5781

The Seeds of Unification
Megillat Esther calls Mordechai a “Judean man” and “son of Yair son of Shimi son of Kish, a Benjaminite.” The gemara is bothered by the apparent contradiction; one of its answers is that while he was genealogically from Binyamin, the people of Yehuda would argue that they deserve the credit for him because, as a descendent of Shimi, had David Hamelech killed Shimi ben Geira, Mordechai would not have been born.
Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Adar 10 5781

Why Is Purim Filled With So Many "Mems?"
t can't be coincidence that all the Mitzvot of Purim start with a Mem: Megila (reading); Mishloach Manot (that's a double!); Matanot L'evyonim; Mishteh (the Purim Seuda) and Machatzit Ha-Shekel (giving 1/2 shekels in remembrance of the gifts to the Bet HaMikdash). What is going on here?
Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Adar 5 5781

Confident of his Predictions or Not?
Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Adar II 13 5779

The Jewish Thanksgiving
Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Adar II 5776

Paying the Price – A Sign of Weakness or Greatness?
The Purim story, which has such an ominous section to it, certainly seems to end up superbly. The hodgepodge Jewish community, spread throughout the Persian Empire, came out unscathed after the great scare. Their favorite son and daughter became very high in the ranks of the powerful people of the world. But do our heroes really emerge unscathed?
Rabbi Daniel Mann | Adar II 12 5776

“When Adar begins, we should heighten our joy.”
Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Rimon | 5776
Purim and Amalek
Rabbi Berel Wein | Adar 5773

The times of Joshua
Recall the surrounded cities from the days of Joshua!
When we are happy on Purim for the miracles we had in the past, and "recall surrounded from the days of Joshua", we remember the great spirit of Joshua and Caleb, who stood in front of all the difficulties and defeated the fortified towns protected by a wall.
Rabbi Dov Lior | Adar 7668
Costume Or Disguise
Rabbi Berel Wein | 5772

A Torah Life in Eretz Yisrael - Obliterating Amalek
Rabbi Ari Waxman | 5769
The Miracle of Shabat, Purim & Yerushalaim
Rabbi Berel Wein | Adar 5768

When Israel Sees God at Work
Jacob could see the hand of God at work in the world, and therefore exile did not apply to him. We can reach the level of Jacob by accepting the Yoke of Heaven, and this demands being part the Jewish people, for God appears in the world via Israel.
Rabbi Shalom Schmidet | Adar 5676

The "Sacred Bear" of Purim
There are unique individuals whose consumption of food is not due to any desire to satisfy their base appetites. Their souls are so capacious that they need large bodies. They are like instruments, elevating the material world to their own level.
Rabbi Ariel Farajun

Acceptance of the Oral Tradition
The Sages say that the Almighty suspended Mount Sinai above the Israelites like an inverted cask and said, “If you accept the Torah, fine; if not, here will be your grave.” Why did God have to coerce the Children of Israel into receiving the Torah?
Rabbi David Dov Levanon | 5761
Hidden Faces
Rabbi Gideon Weitzman | 5765