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Parashat “Shema” and Parashat “Vehaya Im Shamoa”

Parashat “Shema” and Parashat “Vehaya Im Shamoa”

Parashiot Shema Israel and Vehaya im shamoa contain the indispensable principles of the special nature of living in the Land of Israel. Therefore, Moshe teaches the people of Israel these Parashiot at the threshold of The Promised Land.

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Daily Times in Jerusalem

10 Elul 5784 | 13/9/2024

Daily Times | more times
  • 18:51 Sunset

Shabbat Ki Tetze

11 Elul 5784

Shabbat Times | Parashat Hashavua
  • 18:11 Candle lighting
  • 19:23 End of Shabbat
  • 20:03 Rabeinu Tam
  • 15:41 Tenth hour

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Pot filler Kashrut


Hi, We are renovating our kitchen and are thinking of getting a pot filler installed. I just want to make sure there are no Kashrut concerns first. Assuming it is folded and out of the way, is there any problem of Kashrut to use such a faucet on top of a boiling pot? Would the faucet become meat for example if I add water to boiling chicken soup? If it does, then can I use it just for parve lets say, and have it folded out of the way the rest of the time, would that still be parve, or would the steam from a chicken soup be problematic when its folded against the wall? Thanks


The only issue is when you are to open the faucet over say boiling hot chicken soup, and the water stream connects the spout with the soup, "climbing up" and deeming it meaty. But aside from that, if you keep it folded to the side and just use it for pareve, than it's no problem, and you don't have to worry about steam coming from the side. Titchadshu!!

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