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  • Torah and Jewish Thought
  • Repentance
קטגוריה משנית
Hello Rabbi - some time ago Ive started putting on tefillin and praying in the morning (unfortunately, there is no opportunity to find a minyan nearby). Ive started with morning Shema and eventually added Shmoneh Esreh. Now I feel Im ready to add more. Not being fluent in Hebrew, I obviously cannot do the entire Shacharit service yet, so Im looking for an advice - which parts of the morning service do you recommend to add next and in which order? Thank you!
ב"ה Shalom I am happy for you that you’ve started praying in the morning with Tefillin and you now want to move ahead. On the other hand it is a bit difficult to tell you an exact order of how to progress in your praying, because the praying is structured in a way that certain parts have priority over others and certain parts of prayer are to be viewed as one unit. So, I will make my suggestions and you take them gradually when you are ready to move ahead. You did not mention if you say the blessings before the prayers, so I must point out that they are essential for praying every day. If you are ready to add more , it is appropriate that Boruch Sh’e’amar and Yistabach are said before Shema. Also, the part of prayer after “Borchu” up till Shema is considered one unit with the Shema, so if you are ready to add that it is also proper to do so. But again, take your time so your prayer should not G-d forbid fill like a burden. In addition, if I may suggest, it is good idea to find a siddur with linear translation so that you will understand what you are praying without having to flip from page to page. This way, as time goes on and you pray everyday you will understand the Hebrew and feel a lot more comfortable with your prayer. May Hashem pave an easy path for you as you make progress. If you fell the need, you can consult again. All the best
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