Beit Midrash

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15 Lessons
    4 min
    The Three Weeks

    What We Lose in the Exile

    Rabbi Chaim Avihau Schwartz | 20 Tammuz 5784
    The Month of Nissan

    What's So Special About the Month of Nissan?

    Rabbi Chaim Avihau Schwartz | 26 Adar II 5784
    The Value of the Nation of Israel

    The Inner Jewish Spark that Cannot be Extinguished

    Rav Kook explains that there are people whose Jewish segulah is not seen or felt at all, to the point where he could be mistaken for a total Gentile. However, Rav Kook emphasizes, this can only happen to one who has developed a hatred for his Jewish brethren – but that even in this case, his segulah is still there

    Rabbi Chaim Avihau Schwartz | iyar 6 5783
    Our Role in the Redemption

    Redemption Has Begun - But It Needs a Jumpstart

    An intricate discussion appears in the Gemara (Talmud, Tr. Sanhedrin 97b) about the future Redemption and whether or not it is contingent upon the Jewish People's return to a Torah life. One Sage cites the verse from Habakuk 2 that states, "If it [the time of Redemption] tarries, wait for it," indicating that it is not conditional...

    Rabbi Chaim Avihau Schwartz | Nissan 29 5783
    The Value of the Nation of Israel

    Segula: Part 1: What is Emuna?/When Are We Called "Children" of G-d?

    There are various levels of faith. Jewish faith - emuna - is different than other faiths. Emuna refers not just to a sense of belief, but rather to a connection with Hashem (G-d), and it is via this connection that a Jew directs his life and actions in the world...The very link between the Nation of Israel and Hashem is totally different from that between the rest of humanity and the Divine...

    Rabbi Chaim Avihau Schwartz | Nissan 2 5783

    "How Awesome is This Place" – Beit El!

    Ever since the times of our holy forefathers Avraham, Yitzhak and Yaakov, the site and town of Beit El has been a central and sacred place. Here, in this holy spot, Yaakov Avinu dreams his famous Dream of the Ladder – and when he awakens, he says: "There actually is G-d in this place, and I did not know." He then continues: "How awesome is this place! This is none other than the House of G-d, and this is the gateway to the Heavens."

    Rabbi Chaim Avihau Schwartz | Kislev 8 5783
    The Value of the Nation of Israel

    The Source of Israel's Uniqueness

    Translated by Hillel Fendel

    The uniqueness of the People of Israel does not begin with the appearance of the people of Israel, but well before that. As R. Yehuda HaLevy says in his classic work HaKuzari, we already see differences between people starting from the days of Adam HaRishon – the first human being to live on the face of the earth – and we comprehend that not everyone is equal.

    Rabbi Chaim Avihau Schwartz | Nissan 6 5781
    Jewish Thought

    The Relevance of the Nation to Torah Study

    "Jewish emuna, of course, stems from Torah, but the very foundation begins with Israel, as the Birkot HaTorah [Blessings over the Torah] emphasize. Hashem created and chose Israel, and created Torah as well, and then matched us up together. And from amid this profound connection, we arrive at the true understanding of the connection between Israel and G-d, via the Torah..."

    Rabbi Chaim Avihau Schwartz | Adar 20 5781
    Having Faith in Hashem

    What Is Emuna & How To Get It

    Translated by Hillel Fendel

    Translated by Hillel Fendel

    Rabbi Chaim Avihau Schwartz | Adar 7 5781
    The Life of Tzaddikim

    Humility and Leadership

    The heart still refuses to accept the fact that Rav Avrum is no longer with us in this world. Rav Avrum, who was so full of life, so full of joy, so full of light, the light of Torah and the light of sanctity, so full of wisdom and acumen. Could it be?

    Rabbi Chaim Avihau Schwartz

    The Source of Israel’s Uniqueness

    Parashat Noah

    Humanity is divided from the very outset. It is impossible to claim that humankind is one. It contains various shades. Various opposing forces. "And I will make of you a great nation." It is not that we make ourselves great. God makes us great.

    Rabbi Chaim Avihau Schwartz | 5764
    Tu Bishvat

    Dates, Pomegranates, and Eretz Yisrael

    Whatever becomes the property of the Jewish people, even if it starts out on a material level, is eventually elevated to a spiritual one. The bond between the Jewish people and the land of Israel inevitably leads to great spiritual refinement.

    Rabbi Chaim Avihau Schwartz | Tu BiShvat, 5757
    Rav Shim'on Bar Yochai

    Shifting the Focus of Lag Ba'Omer

    Focus on R. Akiva The Spokesman Who Were the "Students"? His Greatness

    Rabbi Chaim Avihau Schwartz | Iyar 5761
    The Essence of Rosh Hashana

    The Cycle of the Holidays of Tishrei

    Rosh Hashanah. Yom Kippur. Sukkoth. Why is Sleeping in a Sukkah the Principle Mitzvah of Sukkoth? From the Individual to the Nation as a Whole. Shemini Atzert.

    Rabbi Chaim Avihau Schwartz | Tishrey 5756
    The Haggadah

    The Month of Nissan - A Unique Possession

    The month of Nissan resembles the heart. The heart sustains everything, sending blood to all of the body's organs. Regarding Nissan it is written, "Safeguard the month of spring," for it symbolizes the return of life to the trees after their long winter dormancy.

    Rabbi Chaim Avihau Schwartz | nissan 5762
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