Beit Midrash

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5 Lessons
    Eretz Agada

    Josephus' Jewish Sambatyon

    Josephus hints to his people that even during the period in which non-Jews succeeded in forcing the Jews of Syria to work on the Sabbath, thus concealing the physical Sabbath River, they did not succeed in concealing the spiritual Sabbath River.

    Rabbi Mordechai Hochman | Av 5767
    Eretz Agada

    The Ten Tribes Beyond the Sambatyon

    The road from Babylon to the Land of Israel passes through Syria, and many of the returning exiles got stuck there, beyond the Sambatyon River. Though largely unobservant, they were protected from assimilation by the observance of the Sabbath.

    Rabbi Mordechai Hochman | Iyar 5767
    Eretz Agada

    The Goats Brought Bears on their Horns

    On being told that his goats were doing damage R' Hanina ben Dosa exclaimed, 'If this is true may bears devour them, but if not may each of them bring home a bear on its horns at evening.' In the evening each of them brought home a bear on its horns

    Rabbi Mordechai Hochman | Tevet 5767
    Eretz Agada

    Nikanor, His Doors, and the Sea Creature

    “All the gates in the Sanctuary were changed for golden ones with the exception of the Nikanor's because of the miracles wrought with them.” Nikanor provides the gate through which the redemption will come, and his two doors together are opened.

    Rabbi Mordechai Hochman | 5766
    Eretz Agada

    The Righteous Whose Property Is Dear to Them

    Our forefather Jacob understood the need for "the righteous whose property is dearer to them than their body," people who do not engage much in Torah but instead prefer to deal with the material, financial aspects of the nation of Israel.

    Rabbi Mordechai Hochman | Tamuz 5766
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