Beit Midrash

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5 Lessons
    Parashat Hashavua

    Down to the Earth and Up to the Sky

    Yom Kippur, the holiest of days, has two diametrically opposed halachot. There is a strict requirement to “afflict” ourselves. On the other hand, Chazal relate great importance to eating on the day before it. R. Yehoshua ben Chananya tried to learn from the pasuk, “You [Moshe] are going to lie with your fathers, and the nation will get up and act licentiously” (Devarim 31:16) that there is resurrection of the dead (it can be read, with difficulty, that Moshe will get up) and that Hashem knows what will happen in the future. He settles at the end that the pasuk proves only the latter, but why would one consider to read the pasuk referring to resurrection, which seems to “abuse” the pasuk? Yom Kippur, the holiest of days, has two diametrically opposed halachot. There is a strict requirement to “afflict” ourselves. On the other hand, Chazal relate great importance to eating on the day before it. R. Yehoshua ben Chananya tried to learn from the pasuk, “You [Moshe] are going to lie with your fathers, and the nation will get up and act licentiously” (Devarim 31:16) that there is resurrection of the dead (it can be read, with difficulty, that Moshe will get up) and that Hashem knows what will happen in the future. He settles at the end that the pasuk proves only the latter, but why would one consider to read the pasuk referring to resurrection, which seems to “abuse” the pasuk?

    Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli zt"l | Tishrei 4 5779
    Parashat Hashavua

    A Day of Light

    On the first day of creation, Hashem created light. “Hashem called the light day …” (Bereishit 1:4). The midrash (Rabba 3:8) understands that this refers to the actions of the righteous. “… and He called the darkness night” – this refers to the actions of the wicked. “… day one” – this refers to the one special day that Hashem gave – namely, Yom Kippur.

    Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli zt"l | Tishrei 5 5778
    Parashat Hashavua

    Yonah ben Amitai

    Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli zt"l | 5774
    The Month of Elul

    "Bring us back to You"

    The Days of Repentance confront us with the challenge to "renew your actions in the first month." Renewal, self-examination, and reestablishment of values. Sowing the seeds and sorting the grain anew.

    Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli zt"l | Shabat Shuva 5703
    Yom Kippur

    The Essence of the Days of Awe

    The process of drawing near to the Almighty cannot come about in skips and bounds; rather, it must play itself out step by step: First comes service based upon fear; and then, only afterwards, service deriving from love

    Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli zt"l | Tishrei 5721
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר