71 Lessons
Moshe is Taught to Be a Leader
Rabbi Moshe Leib Halberstadt | 24 Tevet 5785
The Birth of History
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | 14 Shvat 5784
What Was Is Not What Will Be
Rabbi Haggai Lundin | 4 Shvat 5784
The Search for a True Jew
Rabbi Netanel Yossifun | 2 Shvat 5784
You Will See
Rabbi Haggai Lundin | Tevet 5783
Spirits in a Material World
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Tevet 5783
Interactions between Yehuda and Yosef over the Generations - Part II
Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Tevet 5783
What Comes Before the Land?
A basic precondition for understanding both the situation in which the Israelites found themselves on the eve of the Exodus, and our situation today, is to remember the following words of the Sages: "Like the first redeemer (Moshe), so will be the last redeemer (Mashiach)" (Midrash Kohelet Rabba 1,28). That is, there are basic similarities between our situation in Egypt and ours today, during the final Geula.
Rabbi Yechezkel Frenkel | Tevet 27 5782
Public Pressure
It is difficult to understand the attitude in Moshe's statement to Heaven that it had not yet freed the Jewish people from Egyptian bondage. Moshe certainly realized that Heaven was aware of the promises.
Rabbi Berel Wein | Tevet 26 5782
If God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, then it was God who made Pharaoh refuse to let the Israelites go, not Pharaoh himself. How can this be just?
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Tevet 26 5782
Wonder of Wonders
for whom were these plagues/miracles done? Was it to bring Egypt to its knees, punishment for the inhuman way they mistreated us during 117 years of slavery? Was it to show Paro who really is boss? Was it to strengthen & energize Bnei Yisrael, after so many years of our being downtrodden?
Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Tevet 25 5782
Seeing Is Believing
It's all to easy to go through life without actually seeing what is all around us.
Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair | Tevet 24 5782
Yesterday and the Day Before
The Exodus from Egypt was a complex and difficult operation, requiring two goals: 1) Convincing Bnei Yisrael that it was going to occur and getting them to the level at which they would be worthy of it. 2) Convincing Paroh to set the people free or force him to do so.
Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Tevet 24 5782
The Reluctant Hero
Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Shvat 1 5781
What Exactly Was Moshe's Speech Impediment?
Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Shvat 1 5781
Why So Many Plagues?
The Lord could certainly have accomplished the same result with one plague, especially the last and final plague of the death of the Egyptian firstborn. Why go through the exercise of the first nine plagues?
Rabbi Berel Wein | Tevet 29 5781
Overlapping Prophecies of Yechezkel and Yirmiyahu
Yechezkel and Yirmiyahu are both prophets in the same period, there are some similarities and some differences in their prophets. we will study one of these prophets.
Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Tevet 26 5781
"Hatov umeitiv"
Parshas Va’eira opens with Moshe Rabbeinu receiving admonition from Hashem for not being appreciative of His Ways. Thus, this is certainly an excellent time to study the brocha of bensching called Hatov Vehameitiv, “He Who is good and does good.”
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Tevet 26 5781
Overcoming Setbacks
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Tevet 26 5781