Beit Midrash

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27 Lessons
    Army and War

    "If Haredim Should Serve in the IDF, So Should You"

    IDF Service for Young Jewish Men from America

    In short, Israel today is preoccupied with the urgency of drafting many thousands of lacking combat soldiers into the IDF, especially after so many of our best boys have recently fallen or been wounded. Many point the finger at Haredim in this context, especially those who are not really learning Torah full-time, where there is no halachic justification for them whatsoever, not to observe this great mitzvah. On the other hand, it's about time that someone point out that this obligation of Milchemet Mitzvah applies equally to all of the healthy Jewish boys living in America, as well, especially those working or studying in universities. This extremely "readable" yet scholarly article suggests much food for thought, and can potentially be a game-changer for many readers, regarding many issues in this period of Achdut, anti-Semitism and sincere soul-searching & reassessment in the Jewish religious & Haredi communities both abroad and in Israel. Please forward it to as many people as possible!

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | 25 Tammuz 5784
    Army and War

    Did R- Akiva-s Students Die or Were They Murdered in Bar Kochva-s Rebellion

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | 18 Sivan 5784
    Army and War

    A Nation of 'Wrestlers' and Super-Stars

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | 17 Sivan 5784
    Army and War

    A Nation of 'Wrestlers' and Super-Stars

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | 17 Sivan 5784
    Orot Hamilchama

    "Rav Kook on Modern Warfare, Technology & Culture"

    Orot HaMilchama part x, ch. 8

    Rav Kook's holistic & complex thought praises modern technology and culture in many places, but he warns here in Orot HaMilchama, that modern warfare shows that without a strong base in Torah & the Godly Morality and a Jewish State of Israel as a modern Light for the Nations, mankind can and will misuse these Godly gifts in a destructive way that the world will greatly regret. The class relates to the spiritual "upgrade" referred to in Rav Kook and as seen in Israel following the 6 Day War, the Yom Kippur War, and presently the war after the Hamas Simchat Torah attack, where the religious-Zionists are beginning to lead the way back to nationalism, Tanach and the original & appealing Torat Eretz Yisrael, the effective way to keep the unity & consensus in Israel even after the war.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | 13 Shvat 5784
    Orot Hamilchama

    War Reveals our Essence - Israel Reveals Mankind

    Rav Kook's Orot HaMilchama (part viii)-ch. 6

    As all extreme situations, war reveals the essence and personality of the individual & the nation. Similarly Am Yisrael was dispersed in all of the countries of the historical super-powers, and includes, unites and is meant to harmonize all of the aspects of all nations & movements. In this classic paragraph, Rav Kook discusses the need for Israel as an eternal nation. serving as a "control group" for comparison, and eventually, the gathering of the exiles and the "sparks", showing how all the various world cultures are meant to work together in Knesset Yisrael. History has shown that all ideological movements are represented in Am Yisrael and our Torah.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | 5 Shvat 5874
    The Mitzvah of Settling the Land

    A Two State Solution- Land for Peace in the Middle East

    The world, and many politicians, feel that a Two-State Solution in the Middle East is the only chance for peace. Without getting into the question whether we can actually trust our enemies and believe them that they may actually lay down their weapons, we must also deal with the question, what does Judaism say on this important topic? Both the Land of Israel and Peace are important Jewish ideals, so what should we do if the two conflict?

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Sivan 22 5782
    28 min
    The Mitzvah of Settling the Land

    Ten New Reasons for Making Aliya Today-What's Different & Changed?

    Living in the Land of Israel was always important, but the sources also refer to some points which were not relevant for almost 2,000 years, and have occurred only recently. The halachic status of aliya has shifted into "high gear" in our generation.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Shvat 22 5782

    Shmitta- A Concise Review Of All the Practical Laws For Your Kitchen and Yard

    With our recent return to the Land of Israel, Shmitta has once again returned to the agenda of being a practical mitzva! The many laws & practical applications practiced every 7th year, as well as the many different approaches, can be confusing, especially for those of us who did not grow up in Israel. This "crash course" comes to remind the forgotten & simplify an entire year of additional mitzvot and halachot regarding almost everything that we will eat, in an easy & understandable way, focusing on the consumer's guide to how to buy and run a Shmitta-kosher kitchen, and what is or isn't allowed in our backyard & flower-pots. Please pass this link on to your friends who may be in need of this neatly-packaged summary & review.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Elul 16 5781
    48 min
    Holieness of the Land

    Strengthening Our Motivation for Aliya: Why (!) is Eretz Yisrael so Important?!

    All Jews know that Eretz Yisrael is important, but the question is: Why?! It's not enough just to quote chazal who praise her importance, but how can we strengthen our motivation to want (!) to make Aliya? This class deals with 5 explanations what Chazal exactly mean when they say that "Living in Israel is equated with all the other mitzvot combined". In addition to the greater quantity enabling many more mitzvot (Torah Tmima), and their real quality (Ramban), the Rivash points out that this mitzva is on a higher level than others bc it's for all of Israel & for all generations, & "doubles" our Judaism. The Chatam Sofer adds it raises one's life to a "planet" of kedusha even in his food, work & rocks, and Rav Kook adds an additional innovative idea.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat
    38 min
    The Essence of Sukkot

    Taste the Tree Like the Fruit- Sukkot as a Microcosm of Eretz Yisrael

    Rav Kook points out that just as most of the tree is roots, trunk, branches and leaves, despite the fact that the goal is the fruit, similarly most of life is preparations (e.g. eating, dress, work, cooking, raising children), and often one doesn't even achieve his goal. Does that mean that he wasted his life?! The basic question is, if most of life is "tree", and I want to have meaning in life, I have no choice but to find a way to have "taste" in the tree, not just in the fruit. This was the original plan in Eden, and is meant to be the ideal lifestyle, as expressed in the Etrog where the tree tastes like her fruit. Eretz Yisrael is likened to Sukkot, where even the secular/mundane/"tree" has meaning/taste/holiness, and it's all a mitzva.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tishrei 23 5781
    37 min
    The Mitzvah of Settling the Land

    A New View of the Sin of the Miraglim

    Why Don't Jews Want to Make Aliya

    Why is it that throughout history, from Avraham Avinu, to Egypt, to the M'raglim, to the time of Ezra, and until today, most Jews don't want to make aliya? This sharp question, pertinent to this very day, will davka help us understand the secret and the beauty of Eretz Yisrael! Aliya is not just a problem of having "guts", but even the most motivated religious-Zionists who intend to and would like to make aliya, deep down have difficulty believing how my connection to God and His Torah is really improved by being in a particular place. We tend to think that spirituality is not connected with the physical. This sheur shows 6 "contradicting" midrashim, which, upon analysis, helps us understand the problem & the secret beauty of Eretz Yisrael.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Sivan 25 5780
    35 min
    Additional Lessons

    Answering Accusations of Israeli-Occupation

    & Why the Moral Mitzvot are Geared Only to Jews- Not Gentiles?

    These oft-debated issues of "hasbara", demand good answers. Rav Shvat suggests 4 replies to the accusation of Israel occupying arab "territories" based upon the difficulty western & rational man has in understanding why the arabs could be the aggressors if they always suffer more casualties? The world doesn't understand the Jihad mindset which doesn't mind losing wars and being suicide bombers which in fact, defies logic and prevents deterrance. History, both old and new also bolster the Jewish claims. Anti-semitism is an additional unfortunate clouding factor. Among several approaches to why the moral mitzvot are geared particularly to Jews: is simply that the Torah addresses Jewish life, among Jews, in the Jewish Land for the Jewish People, and more.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Iyar 24 5780
    37 min
    The Value of the Nation of Israel

    The Kedusha of Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael

    What is the definition of "Kedusha" in general, and in particular, how should we understand the holiness of the Jewish Nation and the Land of Israel? Is kedusha (translated: holiness) essentially inherent, or is it acquired through Torah and mitzvot? Rav Kook's harmonic approach, based upon Tanachic and rabbinic sources, helps us make sense of these most basic issues.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Iyar 16 5780
    Holieness of the Land

    Why Does Eretz Yisrael Mean So Much to Us?!

    Residing in the land of Israel is equated to the rest of the Mitzvot put together. Firstly, the quantity the quality of the Mitzvot is much higher. secondly, the Mitzva has an impact on the whole generation, and for the later generations. The third reason is that it causes your whole life to be significant. The fourth, We simply love the land regardless of what it looks like. In addition, today they are more than nine reasons why the land of Israel has been upgraded.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Iyar 12 5780
    44 min
    Additional Lessons

    The Centrality of Eretz Yisrael in Judaism

    Why Do We Speak So Much About Aliyah

    A concise & encompassing explanation of WHY chazal teach us that "Living in Eretz Yisrael is equated with all of the mitzvot combined"? Proofs and 5 reasons why this mitzva is unique and special among the mitzvot aseh, and 9 additional points why especially today, Israel is that much more important to Judaism, including halachic, philosophic, historical, logical, national, religious, and spiritual reasons.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat
    46 min
    Ein Aya

    Elevating the Body's Lower Half Through Zionism

    Ein Aya Shabat Chapter B Paragraph 4

    National strength doesn't satisfy physical urges but elevates them to an altruistic level

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Kislav 12 5773
    35 min
    Ein Aya

    "Putting Down" the Exile and Living Outside Israel

    Ein Aya Shabat Chapter A Paragraph 69 (p2)

    In addition to hailing the importance and centrality of living in Israel, Rav Kook deals with the question of degrading the negative of living outside the Holy Land

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Adar 4 5772
    50 min
    Additional Lessons

    Why Is Eretz Yisrael So Important?

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Sivan 18 5774
    The Torah Perspective

    “Economic Difficulty”- the Most Common Excuse for Not Making Aliya

    Part I

    In many cases, Aliya to Israel involves lowering the standard of living. How much does one need to lower their standard of living in order to fulfill the commandment of living in Israel?

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Shvat 5773
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר