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שימוש בתמונה זו נעשה בהתאם לסעיף 27א לחוק זכויות יוצרים. אם הנכם בעלי הזכויות בתמונה זו ומעוניינים שנחדול משימושה או נעדכן קרדיט מתאים, אנא פנו אלינו לכתובת: in the Bathroom
Is it better to wear tzitzit in the bathroom or to take them off? Does one get a mitzvah every second of wearing them, or only once for putting them on?
  • הרב זקס (1).jpg
    Assembling Reminders
    You are driving ever so slightly above the speed limit. You see a police car in your rear-view mirror. You slow down. That is precisely the psychology behind the mitzvah of tzitzit in this week’s parsha.
  • ללא קרדיט15.jpg
    Flag Tzitzit
    If I want to wear a flag on Yom Ha’Atzma’ut, do I have to put on it Tzitzit?
  • no credit.jpg
    Kipa & Tzitzit for Children
    At what age is a child obligated to wear a kippa and tzitzis?
  • cc-by-robert terrell.jpg
    Wearing tzitzit out
    Should the Tzitzit of the Tallit Katan be worn tucked out or in completely under clothing?
  • ריצה
    Tzitzis during sports and exercise
    When playing sports and exercising and you're afraid of ruining your tzitzis do you need to wear tzitzis?
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר