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shutterstockMan is Not Just a Number
Sefer Bamidbar is also known as "Book of Numbers". An explanation about the census, the relationship between the census and the camp, and what can we learn from it.
  • Extras In Our Own Epic
    There’s something unusual about Parshat Balak. It’s the only parsha in the Torah where the Jewish People, the “stars of the show” seem to only have a “walk-on” part. We see Bilam and Balak close up as they plot to destroy the Jewish People, but Israel is only seen in the background – almost off-camera. Why is this?
  • A Prophet for the Nations
    As far as spiritual power, Bilam was a giant. Chazal derive that in prophecy he was on par with Moshe. Yet, there was a huge chasm between them.
  • Enemy's Compliments
    This week's Torah reading abounds in compliments given to the Jewish people by the leading prophet of the non-Jewish world, Bilaam.
  • The Obvious and the Hidden
    Similarities and Differences Between Obvious and Hidden Miracles? You Won't Believe It!
  • Law and Commandments
    The Torah reading of this week deals with the Red Heifer which is characterized as being a commandment beyond the ken of human understanding and rational interpretation.
  • It Takes A Lot Of Faith To Be An Atheist
    When opening up their morning newspaper, why do atheists turn to the horoscope page?
  • There Are No Shortcuts
    The connection between this week's Haftarah reading (from the Books of the Prophets) and the Torah portion of Hukat is very clear. In both of them we read how the Emorite king, Sichon, refused to allow Israel to pass through his land on our way to the Promised Land – paving the way for Israel to defeat him in battle...
  • Faith and Trust in G-d's Plan Is Happiness
    The common denominator between Moshe's anger at Israel and his hitting of the rock for its water
  • Anger Management
    “Is this the Torah and this its reward?” we are tempted to say. What was Moses’ sin that it merited such punishment?
  • Our Strength is in Our Unity
    In Josephus' description of what happened after the destruction, he talks about the thickness of the stones in Jerusalem and the difficulty of destroying them. "I would never have been able to breach these walls if it wasn't for the Jews fighting among themselves and the disputes between them." About the unlimited power we can attain and about the havoc that controversy can cause.
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