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shutterstockMan is Not Just a Number
Sefer Bamidbar is also known as "Book of Numbers". An explanation about the census, the relationship between the census and the camp, and what can we learn from it.
  • What Happened in Meidva?
    Our parasha, in its poetic part, describing the geopolitical situation, mentions a city called Meidva as a central city in the Moavite region of Transjordan. Surprisingly, though, in Divrei Hayamim, Meidva is described as a city of Amon, not Moav. Let us explain what might have happened.
  • The Prophet Shmuel "Caused" the Sin
    The Prophet Shmuel is the "cause" for the uprising by Korah and his gang. But if we look more deeply, we will see that Shmuel is also the rectification of Korah's sin! How so?
  • High-Sounding Words
    The rebellion of Korach is not a small offense but a great personal failing like the sin of the Golden Calf. It is a mortal blow to the continuity of the Jewish people and to its very survival.
  • When Truth Is Sacrificed to Power
    What was wrong with the actions of Korach and his fellow rebels? They had a point. Why was there a hierarchy, with Moses as leader and Aaron as High Priest?
  • The Blue Beyond
    The 'tzitzit' - the fringes that a Jew wears on a four-cornered garment give us a glimpse of infinity.
  • How to Handle Disagreements
    Machloket (disagreement) is an inseparable part of the Jewish experience. Clarifying a matter and listening to the other side – yes! Personal insults and lack of respect toward the person with whom we disagree – no and, again, no!
  • The Contemporary Mitzvah of Living In the Land
    In light of increasing instability around the world, including anti-Semitism, international inflation, eroding family values, and more, and in view of this week's Torah portion of Shlah that recounts the story of the Spies and their sinful negative report about the Land of Israel – we bring you the following article by the newly-appointed Chief Rabbi of Gush Etzion, the renowned Rav Yosef Tzvi Rimon.
  • Don't Just Go Out Scrambling
    Many professions depend on ratings – politicians, businessmen, artists, and even rabbis – their livelihood is dependent upon the love of the public, and therefore they collect and "gather" votes, likes, sympathy from the media and applause.
  • Assembling Reminders
    You are driving ever so slightly above the speed limit. You see a police car in your rear-view mirror. You slow down. That is precisely the psychology behind the mitzvah of tzitzit in this week’s parsha.
  • Testing G-D
    Each test in turn failed to achieve anything other than harming that generation and dooming it to destruction, never to enter the land of Israel.
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