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shutterstockMan is Not Just a Number
Sefer Bamidbar is also known as "Book of Numbers". An explanation about the census, the relationship between the census and the camp, and what can we learn from it.
  • Rabbi Uri Zohar
    It’s difficult for someone who’s not Israeli to understand the impact of Rabbi Uri Zohar. Uri Zohar was the leading actor of his generation, the leading film producer and the leading stage producer all rolled up into one person. In 1977 he made a life change and became a Torah scholar and a highly influential Rabbi. He passed away at the beginning of June 2022
  • “Their Shadow has been Removed”
    Yehoshua and Kalev tried to convince Bnei Yisrael to follow their advice and not the wicked spies. They said “Their Shadow has been Removed”. What did they mean by this?
  • Who battles with the Lord
    How come all Israel's enemies don't succeed in their plan to diminish us?
  • The Republic of Tel Aviv
    The Jewish Nation has and has had precisely one capital throughout its generations: Yerushalayim. Most unfortunately, there is one city in Israel that many Israelis feel serves as a directly contrasting alternative to our cultural capital. That city, of course, is Tel Aviv, which, for its distinctiveness, has earned itself the informal title of the "Republic of Tel Aviv."
  • Light the Candles
    The parent or the teacher is responsible for the child or the student, just as the Priest was responsible for the wicks until they were lit.
  • From Pain to Humility
    Those who have humility are open to things greater than themselves while those who lack it are not. That is why those who lack it make you feel small while those who have it make you feel enlarged.
  • Psst! Wanna Fake Rolex?
    Is it true that "You can't always get what you want?"
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